• WinPoint Version 415.0 (Another Delphi eats my ComboBox Items Release)

    From Carlos Navarro@2:341/234.1 to All on Sat Feb 18 09:49:02 2023
    * Originally in ESP.SOFTBBS
    * Crossposted in ESP.FIDONET


    * Forwarded from WINPOINT
    * Originally by: Tim Schattkowsky (2:310/31.6), 17 Feb 2023 22:47.
    * Originally to: All.

    º Û Û ÛÛÛÛ º
    º Û Û Û Û WinPoint º
    º Û Û ÛÛÛÛ Version 415.0 º
    º Û Û Û Û º
    º Û Û Û Released 2023-02-17 º
    º Complete Point Software for Windows º
    º Most notable changes since 411.0 º
    º ?NEW URLs im mails can be clicked º
    º ?NEW Messagelist settings per area º
    º ?NEW Area managers store window pos º
    º ?NEW Re: can be completely disabled º
    º ?NEW Updated UnRAR º
    º ?FIX Wrong outbound used by tosser º
    º ?FIX Some minor bug fixes º

    Hello All,

    It keeps happening that my old Delphi version looses the preset items for ComboBoxes on a form. This time, it happened to the ComboBox for the Fido-Over-IP settings in the installation program. Thus another release including one of the most requested features today.

    The latest version is available from _http://www.winpoint.org_

    ... and if you already had that release, you could click on the link above ;)

    -+- WinPoint 415.0
    + Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:310/31.6)


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: cyberiada point (2:341/234.1)
  • From Carlos Navarro@2:341/234.1 to All on Sat Feb 18 12:43:39 2023
    La última versión de WinPoint permite hacer clic en los enlaces http y https para abrirlos en el navegador.


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: cyberiada point (2:341/234.1)
  • From Albano de Manuel@2:343/107.5 to Carlos Navarro on Mon Mar 6 13:45:52 2023
    La última versión de WinPoint permite hacer clic en los enlaces http y https para abrirlos en el navegador.

    Maravilloso :)

    --- WinPoint 415.0
    * Origin: Original *WinPoint* Origin (2:343/107.5)