• Public beta for Windows 64 bit of FMail

    From Carlos Navarro@2:341/234.1 to All on Thu Feb 16 20:56:27 2023
    * Forwarded from FMAIL_HELP
    * Originally by: Wilfred van Velzen (2:280/464), 16 Feb 2023 18:30.
    * Originally to: All.

    Hi All,

    I have compiled the 3 FMail modules for 64 bit Windows. I'm making them available for public testing. You can download them here:


    I've tested these on my own Windows 10 Pro x64 point setup. And they seem to work fine. Since it is the same code as the 64 bit linux version I have been using for years, it is not really a surprise. ;-)
    Only the FConfigW64.exe module is new in this regard.

    But of course since it is a beta version make a backup of your setup before you try them!

    If you haven't got an existing setup of FMail, you also need some of the files, from the latest regular release. Which you can find here:


    You can find out about all changes since the last release in the included ChangeLog file. But there is one change I like to specifically mention here:

    * Changed the special area tags from: #NETDIR #DUP, etc to @NETDIR, @DUP, etc.
    Because # has a special meaning on the Linux command line.
    ! This breaks compatibility with previous versions!

    So make the necessary changes in your .bat files if you upgrade to this version!

    Btw: This beta is a release candidate for the upcoming 2.2 release.

    Bye, Wilfred.

    -+- FMail-lnx64
    + Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: cyberiada point (2:341/234.1)