• WinPoint Version 411.0 (Windows Defender Release) is available

    From Carlos Navarro@2:341/234 to All on Sat Aug 20 18:16:02 2022
    Nueva versi¢n de WinPoint. Algunas correcciones de errores y mejoras.

    * Forwarded from WINPOINT by Carlos Navarro (2:341/234).
    * Originally by: Tim Schattkowsky (2:240/1120.29), 20 Aug 2022 13:42.
    * Originally to: All.

    º Û Û ÛÛÛÛ º
    º Û Û Û Û WinPoint º
    º Û Û ÛÛÛÛ Version 411.0 º
    º Û Û Û Û º
    º Û Û Û Released 2022-08-20 º
    º Complete Point Software for Windows º
    º Most notable changes since 407.0 º
    º ?NEW Message tree improvements º
    º ?NEW Improved Re^X handling º
    º ?NEW Improved text style detection º
    º ?NEW Improved HighDPI editor UI º
    º ?FIX "Array index out of Bounds" º
    º ?FIX Default zone always set to 2 º
    º ?FIX Some minor bug fixes º

    Hello All,

    I created a slightly updated release avoid a *false positive on Windows Defender*.

    This also fixes a nasty bug where forwarding a message to another echo area caused the editor ander certain circumstances to internally still use the original uplink of the source area for creating the final message while displaying the correct uplink to the user during editing. Thus, the resulting message whas stored using wrong sender/receiver addresses and was not exported by the tosser. This condition was visible to the user because the message was marked for export (red arrow) but never exported.

    -+- WinPoint 411.0
    + Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: cyberiada (2:341/234)