• Re: Prueba

    From Alejandro Filimonchuk@4:900/102 to Flavio on Wed Jun 15 08:23:18 2022


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The Vault BBS (4:900/102)
  • From Fernando Miculan to Alejandro Filimonchuk on Wed Jun 15 21:39:36 2022
    Hola Alejandro!

    El mi‚rcoles 15 de junio de 2022, Alejandro Filimonchuk le escribi¢ a Flavio:


    Joya, ahora si recibo bien... Manuel habra apretado el bot¢n verde? XD

    LW8DFM :: Instagram: fcmsistemas :: Facebook: /fcmsistemas
  • From Flavio Bessa@4:801/188 to All on Wed May 15 22:32:08 2024
    A ver si todos ahora leen este correo...

    ... No one knows what's next, but everybody does it.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (macOS/64)
    * Origin: Saturn's Orbit BBS - Back from the ashes (4:801/188)
  • From Fernando Miculan to Flavio Bessa on Wed May 15 23:09:33 2024
    Hola Flavio!

    El mi‚rcoles 15 de mayo de 2024, Flavio Bessa le escribi¢ a All:

    A ver si todos ahora leen este correo...

    Por aca lleg¢. :)

    LW8DFM :: Instagram: fcmsistemas :: Facebook: /fcmsistemas
  • From Carlos Navarro@2:341/234.1 to Flavio Bessa on Thu May 16 07:37:01 2024
    15 May 2024 22:32, you wrote to All:

    @MSGID: 4:801/188 54ce7531
    @TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A48
    @TZUTC: -0300
    A ver si todos ahora leen este correo...

    Yo lo he recibido.

    ... No one knows what's next, but everybody does it.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (macOS/64)
    * Origin: Saturn's Orbit BBS - Back from the ashes (4:801/188)
    SEEN-BY: 80/1 90/1 221/6 240/1120 301/1 341/66 200 206 234 343/107
    SEEN-BY: 801/194 197 201 900/108 902/26 5020/1042
    @PATH: 801/188 80/1 341/66 234


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: cyberiada (2:341/234.1)
  • From Flavio Bessa@4:801/188 to Carlos Navarro on Thu May 16 11:35:31 2024
    On 16 May 2024, Carlos Navarro said the following...

    A ver si todos ahora leen este correo...

    Yo lo he recibido.

    Gracias! Al parecer Manuel ha resuelto el tema.

    ... Origin of Life? Just check my refrigerator...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (macOS/64)
    * Origin: Saturn's Orbit BBS - Back from the ashes (4:801/188)
  • From Angel Ripoll@2:341/66 to Flavio Bessa on Thu May 16 17:30:16 2024
    Hola Flavio!

    15 May 24 22:32, Flavio Bessa dijo a All:

    @TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A48
    @MSGID: 4:801/188 54ce7531
    @TZUTC: -0300
    A ver si todos ahora leen este correo...

    Yo si pero me lo envías directo. Raro sería que o lo leyera ;)

    Un saludo,
    Angel Ripoll
    aripoll @ zruspas.org

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240209 + HPT 1.9 + Binkd 1.1 en Debian
    * Origin: Synchronet - bbs.zruspas.org - Zruspa's BBS - (2:341/66)
  • From Angel Ripoll@2:341/66 to Flavio Bessa on Thu May 16 17:31:18 2024
    Hola Flavio!

    16 May 24 11:35, Flavio Bessa dijo a Carlos Navarro:

    Yo lo he recibido.

    Gracias! Al parecer Manuel ha resuelto el tema.

    Me alegro :)

    Un saludo,
    Angel Ripoll
    aripoll @ zruspas.org

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240209 + HPT 1.9 + Binkd 1.1 en Debian
    * Origin: Synchronet - bbs.zruspas.org - Zruspa's BBS - (2:341/66)
  • From Flavio Bessa@4:801/188 to Fernando Toledo on Tue May 21 17:28:04 2024
    On 17 May 2024, Fernando Toledo said the following...

    si me llega via angel

    Si, para mi tambien.

    ... Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (macOS/64)
    * Origin: Saturn's Orbit BBS - Back from the ashes (4:801/188)