• SDS flag

    From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to All on Tue Jan 11 09:09:19 2022


    The SDS-flag is going to dropped from the nodelist list of flags handled by ERRFLAGS.

    "Software Distribution System" and there's only 1 node carrying it, Vince Coen.

    Vince and I talked about it and he doesn't even exactly remember why it's there, the flag was inserted in 1999 after it was mentioned in FTS=5001 but nowhere is it discussed or described.

    There apparently also used to be an SDS-net, but that seems to be as dead as a dead monkey itself.

    ERRFLAGS.ZC2 will be updated and distributed to the regular contacts for it.

    Take care,


    --- DB4 - Jan 09 2022
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)