• Re: IC

    From Carol Shenkenberger@1:275/100 to Ward Dossche on Sat Mar 5 11:02:52 2022
    Re: Re: IC
    By: Ward Dossche to Carol Shenkenberger on Thu Dec 07 2006 09:41 am

    It will disappear from the zone-2 version of the nodelist as well.

    And Anatoli stays instead of what I was thinking. He picked up traffic again this past week. Still no posts but I dont get all the same echos
    he does.

    I'm not the one complaining ... :-) ... The matter will be resolved eventual of that I'm sure.

    My guess however is that the collapse will be complete if and when your assignment in Japan ends because I see no-one taking it over.

    So, the way I see it, one of two things need to happen:

    1) Someone needs to be formally trained to take over from you in preparation for your departure some day


    2) Someone needs to start migrating the remaining "live" nodes to another zo in a separate "Asia"-region where I'm certain they will still be taken care by an equally "live" ZC.

    The time-frame is completely up to you, of course.

    My guess is that scenario-2 eventually will prevail but I'm not taking part that debate anymore.

    One should not be affraid however to take strong decisions. I've been confronted with one single node in each of the regions 32-France, 36-Portuga 39-Iceland, 41-Greece, 44-Turkey who always said they were there and were go to take care of things. They didn't so I pulled those regions. The lone R36-sysop who struggles to survives is now a R55-sysop (IP-only nodes).

    As for Michiel ... the saying counts for him that 'His bark is worse than hi bite'. Don't worry about him.

    The only thing that worries me at the moment is the out-of-control thing between Shannon and the Bj”rns ... without pointing fingers ... because I'm skipping over those messages. I refuse to even read them.

    Take care,


    Wow. 2006 messages!
    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: SHENK'S EXPRESS (1:275/100)


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