• backup for windows pc?

    From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to All on Sat Sep 16 19:41:00 2023
    Whatcha all Windows users using for backup up your main PCs?

    I'd like to backup most of my files, but I have less than 15GB
    space free on a 250GB HDD. Can't add an extra HDD/SDD or
    replace the existing HDD at the moment (PC is a bit hard to

    The goal is to send the files to an offsite server, automated.
    But I am not interested in paying for a VPS for that. I'd like
    to encrypt the files myself and upload a bundle.

    I experimented with 7Zip and gpg, but found out that 7zip
    doesn't support pipes.

    Is there another rudimentary grassroots way to achieve this?

    Since gpg can only input one file at a time, I was thinking of
    building a FOR loop to create a gpg encrypted version for each
    file and pipe that to Winscp.

    This is for a Win7 environment, BTW.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.57
    * Origin: (2:221/1.58)
  • From Mike Dippel@3:712/1321.6 to August Abolins on Sat Sep 16 20:04:20 2023
    On 16 Sep 2023, August Abolins said the following...

    Whatcha all Windows users using for backup up your main PCs?

    I'd like to backup most of my files, but I have less than 15GB
    space free on a 250GB HDD. Can't add an extra HDD/SDD or
    replace the existing HDD at the moment (PC is a bit hard to

    Do you have any room on your server? It would be free and done via FTP to make it easy.

    Mike Dippel

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Mystic Hobbies BBS, mystic-hobbies.com (3:712/1321.6)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Mike Dippel on Sat Sep 16 23:40:00 2023
    Hello Mike Dippel!

    ** On Saturday 16.09.23 - 20:04, Mike Dippel wrote to August Abolins:

    I'd like to backup most of my files, but I have less than 15GB
    space free on a 250GB HDD. Can't add an extra HDD/SDD or
    replace the existing HDD at the moment (PC is a bit hard to

    Do you have any room on your server? It would be free and done via FTP
    to make it easy.

    I have lots of room on a remote server. But I want to encrypt
    certain dirs first, and then send them off-site.

    I figured out that I can use the gpgtar command which is part
    of GnuPG.

    eg. for a situation were I want to send the content of a
    directory c:\data\secret, the corresponding command could be,

    c:\temp> gpgtar -C c:\data -e -r august secret | winscp etc..

    ..but I haven't tested winscp yet.

    However, gpgtar can output to a pipe, so | would be ok.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.57
    * Origin: (2:221/1.58)


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