From Thomas Kloos@1:116/110 to Robert Wolfe on Sat Feb 26 07:36:42 2022
    What is the function you are using to download the file?

    On 2/26/2022 7:35 AM, Robert Wolfe wrote to All:

    @TID: PX/Win v7.0 PX28-1176M
    @MSGID: 1:116/17 374f8116
    @TZUTC: -0600
    So, I am updating one of my WCX mods to use parts of the code in the WEBGET.WCC

    wcBASIC example. And I am trying to use it to replace wget.exe to download a
    ZIP file
    from a website. However, the file does not get completely downloaded and the
    file is

    What I am wondering is is there a way that this code can be used to download files of a
    binary type?
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: Omicron Thetta * Cordova TN * fidonet.winserver.org (1:116/17)

    --- Engineers: often wrong, seldom in doubt.

    * Origin: TAK Software- Quality Software For Winserver (1:116/110)


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