• Echo Rules

    From Thomas Kloos@1:116/110 to All on Mon Nov 8 14:00:46 2021
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!
    Thomas Kloos 1:116/110 echomod@thomaskloos.com

    Posted by wsPost/takPost v8.0.2 (Reg [TAK Software])
    --- What has four legs and an arm? A happy pitbull.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: --- Nothing is so simple that it can't get screwed up. (1:116/110)
  • From Thomas Kloos@1:116/110 to All on Thu Dec 9 14:00:48 2021
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!
    Thomas Kloos 1:116/110 echomod@thomaskloos.com

    Posted by wsPost/takPost v8.0.2 (Reg [TAK Software])
    --- A diplomat thinks twice before saying nothing.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: --- Nothing is so simple that it can't get screwed up. (1:116/110)
  • From Thomas Kloos@1:116/110 to All on Fri Dec 10 14:00:52 2021
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!
    Thomas Kloos 1:116/110 echomod@thomaskloos.com

    Posted by wsPost/takPost v8.0.2 (Reg [TAK Software])
    --- Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: --- Nothing is so simple that it can't get screwed up. (1:116/110)
  • From Thomas Kloos@1:116/110 to All on Sat Dec 11 14:00:54 2021
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!
    Thomas Kloos 1:116/110 echomod@thomaskloos.com

    Posted by wsPost/takPost v8.0.2 (Reg [TAK Software])
    --- Love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: --- Nothing is so simple that it can't get screwed up. (1:116/110)
  • From Thomas Kloos@1:116/110 to All on Sun Dec 12 14:01:00 2021
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!
    Thomas Kloos 1:116/110 echomod@thomaskloos.com

    Posted by wsPost/takPost v8.0.2 (Reg [TAK Software])
    --- Socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: --- Nothing is so simple that it can't get screwed up. (1:116/110)
  • From Thomas Kloos@1:116/110 to All on Mon Dec 13 14:01:08 2021
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!
    Thomas Kloos 1:116/110 echomod@thomaskloos.com

    Posted by wsPost/takPost v8.0.2 (Reg [TAK Software])
    --- Sex is like a bridge game: If you don't have a good partner, you better have a good hand.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: --- Nothing is so simple that it can't get screwed up. (1:116/110)
  • From Thomas Kloos@1:116/110 to All on Mon Jan 10 16:34:06 2022
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!
    Thomas Kloos 1:116/110 echomod@thomaskloos.com

    Posted by wsPost/takPost v8.0.2 (Reg [TAK Software])
    --- BREAKFAST.COM Halted... Cereal Port Not Responding.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: --- Nothing is so simple that it can't get screwed up. (1:116/110)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to All on Sun May 1 10:10:10 2022
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!

    Terry Roati: 3:7126/1321 sysop @ tfb-bbs.org

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1
    --- I think, therefore I am. I think.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to All on Wed Jun 1 10:25:56 2022
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!

    Thomas Kloos: 1:116/110 echomod @ thomaskloos.com
    Terry Roati: 3:712/1321 sysop @ tfb-bbs.org

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1
    --- To err is human - and to blame it on a computer is even more so.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to All on Fri Jul 1 10:10:02 2022
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!

    Thomas Kloos: 1:116/110 echomod @ thomaskloos.com
    Terry Roati: 3:712/1321 sysop @ tfb-bbs.org

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1
    --- Life is a sexually transmitted disease with 100% mortality.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to All on Thu Sep 1 10:10:08 2022
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!

    Thomas Kloos: 1:116/110 echomod @ thomaskloos.com
    Terry Roati: 3:712/1321 sysop @ tfb-bbs.org

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1
    --- Socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to All on Sat Jul 15 20:44:04 2023
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!

    Thomas Kloos: 1:116/110 echomod @ thomaskloos.com
    Terry Roati: 3:712/1321 sysop @ tfb-bbs.org

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The File Bank BBS!])
    --- Barium: what you do with dead chemists.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Terry Roati@3:712/1321 to All on Tue Aug 1 10:10:04 2023
    1. The purpose of this echo is to provide user support to sysOPs running
    any version of Wildcat! software, and other associated software.
    2. Play nice and play fair. Be kind to each other. Be considerate of, and
    respectful towards, all other participants.
    3. No ridiculing. No Shaming. No personal attacks ("flames").
    4. If anyone feels the need to right a perceived wrong, please notify the
    moderators by Netmail or E-mail and ask them to deal with the problem.
    In other words, leave the moderating to the moderators.
    5. No profanity. This is an international family echo. Participants are
    expected to act in a mature and polite manner.
    6. The language of the WILDCAT!_SUPPORT echo is English. If English
    isn't your main language, please use Google Translator before posting.
    7. Please do not quote more than necessary.
    8. Please use your real name.
    9. No advertisements for products or services.
    10. Due to their highly emotional implications, discussions of religion,
    and politics are prohibited.
    11. Participation in this echo is a privilege. Anyone is welcome here as
    long as they abide by the rules. Breaking of the rules may lead to the
    revoking of this privilege.
    12. Enjoy and Have Fun!

    Thomas Kloos: 1:116/110 echomod @ thomaskloos.com
    Terry Roati: 3:712/1321 sysop @ tfb-bbs.org

    Posted by takWebPost v1.0.1 (Reg [The File Bank BBS!])
    --- Im not as think as you drunk i am.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v7.0
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)