• Setting my board up as a FTN hub

    From Kurisu@1:103/705 to All on Thu Feb 15 16:47:49 2024
    Hey everyone,

    Late last month I decided to try my hand at setting up a small echo network, originally going with QWK as the networking methodology to some success but lackluster enthusiasm -- it was suggested to me that setting it up as FTN would be a better option, which I didn't disagree with but I felt it to be a little "too much" for me and my skill set. This opinion stems from little things about my current FTN setups which I've not been able to fully understand or, in one case, even get working.

    To be honest I find the whole thing quite fiddly, slightly arcane (not in the good way) and on a whole just unpleasant to get working. That being said, I still want to take on the challenge of getting, if even just on a small scale, my little echo network available via FTN as well as QWK.

    My question then is, well, how do I go about actually making myself a hub? I feel I understand the basic principles of SBBSecho and, as a person with their board on fsxNet and Micronet, broadly grasp the gist of how FTN operates, but would rather seek guidance than spend my own and another sysop's time in testing things (not that I can't just set up a test board myself, but that's a chore of it's own)

    My understanding would be, broadly this:
    I am board A, and a board which has me as their hub will be board B.
    I would get the normal FTN information from the board A sysop (web address, passwords for fix / tic, etc) and assign them a node number.
    I would set them up in my linked nodes just like any other board, and they would do the same to me, with them setting me as an uplink for a message group: I would, per the wiki, have an area file set up containing the echos I wish to provide to these downlinks.

    And.... that's vaguely my grasp of things. Forgive me for not being explicit with every step, I find writing technical details to be an absolute chore. What I'm really wanting to do is see if my overall idea is sound -- understanding that I would do similar steps to subscribing to a network, but in a kind of reverse way... heck, that might be too complex of a way to think about it, but that's what first comes to my mind.

    Am I correct or way off base? I apologize for this being a bit of a read but it is a complicated topic and I want to make sure I'm not mucking things up.

    xadara.com | final-zone.net

    þ Synchronet þ Final Zone BBS - final-zone.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From nelgin@1:103/705 to Kurisu on Thu Feb 15 19:40:56 2024
    On Thu, 15 Feb 2024 16:47:49 -0600
    "Kurisu" (VERT/FINALZON) <VERT/FINALZON!Kurisu@endofthelinebbs.com>

    Hey everyone,

    Late last month I decided to try my hand at setting up a small echo
    network, originally going with QWK as the networking methodology to
    some success but lackluster enthusiasm -- it was suggested to me that
    setting it up as FTN would be a better option, which I didn't
    disagree with but I felt it to be a little "too much" for me and my
    skill set. This opinion stems from little things about my current FTN
    setups which I've not been able to fully understand or, in one case,
    even get working.

    Maybe the issue isn't whether you're using QWK or FNT, but it's whether
    sysops want to deal with YADN (Yet Another Dead Network).

    To be honest I find the whole thing quite fiddly, slightly arcane
    (not in the good way) and on a whole just unpleasant to get working.
    That being said, I still want to take on the challenge of getting, if
    even just on a small scale, my little echo network available via FTN
    as well as QWK.

    This is why I've never really tried to or wanted to be a hub. Just
    seems way too many hoops to jump through just to configure yourself as
    a node for a network, let alone a hub.
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Kurisu@1:103/705 to nelgin on Thu Feb 15 20:20:18 2024
    Your defeatist attitude and opinions are noted and filed appropriately in the garbage.

    It absolutely amazes me how people in this scene can have an attitude like that about even just the experiment of creating such and the enjoyment which can come from seeing it work. Yet, here it is, on full display, along with the classic failure of reading comprehension combined with a presumption of what my goals are with the project -- acting like I think it's going to be the next FidoNet or something, and not just a little thing I want to try making for myself and a few friends to take advantage of, as well as something to have fun with in the creation of.

    But no, your attitude is don't try. Yep, real constructive idea there.

    Right, here's where people who actually want to help and like the idea of creating new things and helping the community grow in any capacity comes in and actually *gasp* actually helps!
    xadara.com | final-zone.net

    þ Synchronet þ Final Zone BBS - final-zone.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From nelgin@1:103/705 to All on Fri Feb 16 00:08:44 2024
    On Thu, 15 Feb 2024 20:20:18 -0600
    "Kurisu" (VERT/FINALZON) <VERT/FINALZON!Kurisu@endofthelinebbs.com>

    Your defeatist attitude and opinions are noted and filed
    appropriately in the garbage.

    It absolutely amazes me how people in this scene can have an attitude
    like that about even just the experiment of creating such and the
    enjoyment which can come from seeing it work. Yet, here it is, on
    full display, along with the classic failure of reading comprehension combined with a presumption of what my goals are with the project --
    acting like I think it's going to be the next FidoNet or something,
    and not just a little thing I want to try making for myself and a few
    friends to take advantage of, as well as something to have fun with
    in the creation of.

    But no, your attitude is don't try. Yep, real constructive idea there.

    Right, here's where people who actually want to help and like the
    idea of creating new things and helping the community grow in any
    capacity comes in and actually *gasp* actually helps!
    xadara.com | final-zone.net

    _ Synchronet _ Final Zone BBS - final-zone.net

    TL;DR blah blah blah.
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)