• Re: Acorn BBC Mode 7 (viewdata) conrtol codes

    From vela025@1:103/705 to nelgin on Wed Feb 14 05:37:11 2024

    The prompts are controlled by the menu files, probably default.src
    or default.js

    Excellent that you that has worked well. There are still a few prompt that display the division sign next to them even though (for the ones that aren't in default.js) in text.dat they have no control codes at all around them, an example of this the prompt after starting a search where it asks if you wish to include unread messages...but I can live with this!

    You can use something like @CODE|L3@
    Again thanks that has worked great. I had spent quite a while on the wiki, I just seem to be looking in the wrong places!
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From nelgin@1:103/705 to All on Wed Feb 14 11:39:55 2024
    On Wed, 14 Feb 2024 05:37:11 -0800
    "vela025" (VERT) <VERT!vela025@endofthelinebbs.com> wrote:

    The prompts are controlled by the menu files, probably default.src
    or default.js

    Excellent that you that has worked well. There are still a few
    prompt that display the division sign next to them even though (for
    the ones that aren't in default.js) in text.dat they have no control
    codes at all around them, an example of this the prompt after
    starting a search where it asks if you wish to include unread
    messages...but I can live with this.

    What is the exact message it displays? I don't see anything like
    "include unread messages".
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From vela025@1:103/705 to nelgin on Wed Feb 14 13:04:16 2024
    What is the exact message it displays? I don't see anything like
    include unread messages".

    Sorry my mistake line 945 of text.dat
    "Display Unread Messages Only" 766 DisplayUnreadMessagesOnlyQ

    ...no control codes but it still gets preceded by the 1/4 symbol in mode 7

    I don't have the expertise to set it up so that different ports get different terminal settings...so I'm going to have instructions on the answer page to explain for beeb users the terminal settings they need to choose.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From nelgin@1:103/705 to All on Wed Feb 14 16:23:21 2024
    On Wed, 14 Feb 2024 13:04:16 -0800
    "vela025" (VERT) <VERT!vela025@endofthelinebbs.com> wrote:

    What is the exact message it displays? I don't see anything like
    include unread messages".

    Sorry my mistake line 945 of text.dat
    "Display Unread Messages Only" 766 DisplayUnreadMessagesOnlyQ

    ...no control codes but it still gets preceded by the 1/4 symbol in
    mode 7

    I don't have the expertise to set it up so that different ports get
    different terminal settings...so I'm going to have instructions on
    the answer page to explain for beeb users the terminal settings they
    need to choose.

    _ Synchronet _ Vertrauen _ Home of Synchronet _

    Looking at the source, that is wrapped around yesno.

    scansubs.cpp: && text[DisplayUnreadMessagesOnlyQ][0] && yesno(text[DisplayUnreadMessagesOnlyQ]))
    scansubs.cpp: && text[DisplayUnreadMessagesOnlyQ][0] && yesno(text[DisplayUnreadMessagesOnlyQ]))

    My guess is that you'll need to change yesnobar.js in /sbbs/exec - of
    course, copy it to mods first before making any changes.

    My guess is the checkmark translates to divide on the BBS.
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From vela025@1:103/705 to All on Fri Feb 9 08:22:05 2024
    I currently run a BBS on my BBC Micro (beebs.ddns.net for info), its running over telnet and supports vt100, ANSI and Viewdata/Teletext (on a machine that supports this i.e. a BBC Micro or Acorn Archimedes). With the machine running the BBS most of the time I don't actually get to use it so I was hoping to transition to SBBS but cannot figure out how to send the correct control codes to send viewdata to a BBC Micro client, I've tried a few different formats of files created in a teletext editor (replacing the .msg menu files) but on the BBC Micro it displays the control codes as text rather than interpreting them as teletext control codes over terminal. Is what I'm trying to achieve possible within the currenet parameters of SBBS?
    Many thanks,
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From deon@1:103/705 to vela025 on Sat Feb 10 16:21:54 2024
    Re: Acorn BBC Mode 7 (viewdata) conrtol codes
    By: vela025 to All on Fri Feb 09 2024 08:22 am

    Hey Fred,

    that supports this i.e. a BBC Micro or Acorn Archimedes). With the machine running the BBS most of the time I don't actually get to use it so I was hoping to transition to SBBS but cannot figure out how to send the correct control codes to send viewdata to a BBC Micro client, I've tried a few different formats of files created in a teletext editor (replacing the .msg menu files) but on the BBC Micro it displays the control codes as text rather than interpreting them as teletext control codes over terminal. Is what I'm trying to achieve possible within the currenet parameters of SBBS?

    I'm not sure that SBBS can be "configured" to give out Mode 7 graphics - it only understands Raw, ANSI and C64 (I think).

    I've always been interested in Viewdata (working for a service provider in Australia in 80's for Australia's national viewdata service) - I started creating a "shell" that rendered Mode 7.

    Actually my "shell" makes SBBS work as a viewdata server and supports ANSI (on port 23) and Viewdata (on port 516), and while I have the rendering of viewdata frames done, I havent implemented rendering and replying to messages - I've started work on it (on the ANSI side, with FSX on page *10021#) but its far from complete.

    I'll finish it one day, but I'm distracted by other things ...


    þ Synchronet þ AnsiTEX bringing back videotex but with ANSI
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From vela025@1:103/705 to deon on Sat Feb 10 01:30:00 2024
    Thanks for the reply, your mode 7 shell sounds great. My current BBS software is OBBS from 1984 which I've modded to support sending full Mode 7 graphics frames and ANSI which it does via terminal rather than acting as a viewdata server it just uses bget to read each byte of either a teletext frame or ansi file and sends it over serial. So on a BBC you get mode 7 graphics but on an ANSI terminal you get ANSI (there's also vt100 if you have neither). It really supprises me that I can't find a BBS host which can do the same.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Fred Smith@1:103/705 to nelgin on Sat Feb 17 22:09:40 2024
    Re: Re: Acorn BBC Mode 7 (viewdata) conrtol codes
    By: nelgin to All on Tue Feb 13 2024 10:28:59

    Hey Nelgin,
    This message is winging its way to you
    from my BBC Micro in the adapted Mode 7msglist.js, I'm having trouble chaning the "from" column width, I have changedthe number for From and To in the max_len section of msglist.js however
    it only seems to change the to
    column...meaning that on a 40 column
    display you cannot see the subject
    (even pressing the different format
    options 0-7 will not display the
    subject). I'd like to reduce each to 10columns so that the subject can also beviewed. I can get it to display to andfrom on one line and the then subject
    underneath...but this looks a little
    There's a picture of what I have at themoment at beebs.ddns.net/images/sync/msglist.png as you can see From is takingup a lot of real estate!
    Any thoughts welcome,

    þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From nelgin@1:103/705 to Fred Smith on Sat Feb 17 17:58:22 2024
    Re: Re: Acorn BBC Mode 7 (viewdata
    By: Fred Smith to nelgin on Sat Feb 17 2024 22:09:40

    Hey Nelgin,
    This message is winging its way to you
    from my BBC Micro in the adapted Mode 7msglist.js, I'm having trouble chaning the "from" column width, I have changedthe number for From and To in the max_len section of msglist.js however

    Well, it's a good start, though the 40 to 80 column might need a bit of work :)

    It looks like setting LEN_ALIAS = 15 or something like that will do what you are wanting. Not sure if that's because max_len isn't working as intended or doing something else.

    Try setting LEN_ALIAS are sbbsdefs.js has been loaded and see if that gets you closer to what you're looking for.

    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)