• SEXYZ Help?

    From Martin Kazmaier@1:340/1101 to All on Thu May 4 10:59:00 2023
    Does anyone have a protocol command line they'd be willing to share? I'm using:

    Name SEXYZ Z-Modem
    Key 2
    Ext ctl file ON
    Batch ON
    Status Always Available
    Log file DSZ.LOG
    Control file DL.LST
    DL command line c:\ele\prot\sexyz.exe *W sz @DL.LST
    UL command line c:\ele\prot\sexyz.exe *W rz
    DL ctl string @
    UL ctl string
    DL log keyword z
    UL log keyword Z
    Log name word 10
    Log desc word 0

    Which isn't working. It's just spitting everything out to the commandline.

    Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (telnet, pop3, ftp, nntp)
    (ports 23, 110, 21, 119) shsbbs.ddns.net (shoutcast at 8000)

    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere shsbbs.ddns.net (1:340/1101)


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