• Irony

    From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to ALL on Sun Aug 18 09:42:00 2024
    Most polls indicate that RFK, Jr. will take more votes from Trump than he
    will Harris.

    Based on that information, guess which campaign is *not* trying to have RFK, Jr. removed from any ballots, and which campaign/party *is* spending lots of time and money trying to have him removed?

    In particular, this campaign/party wants him removed from the ballot in NY State because they claim his residency status is not valid???

    HINT - it is the same campaign/party that says they are "fighting to save Democracy!"

    Since he is more likely to steal votes from their opponent, I wonder why
    they are spending any money or effort to keep him off any ballots?

    * SLMR 2.1a * A seminar on Time Travel will be held 2 weeks ago....
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Mike Powell on Sun Aug 18 10:57:36 2024
    Most polls indicate that RFK, Jr. will take more votes from Trump than he will Harris.

    Based on that information, guess which campaign is *not* trying to have RFK, Jr. removed from any ballots, and which campaign/party *is*
    spending lots of time and money trying to have him removed?

    Excellent! I knew that RFK Jr would be helpful one way or another.

    In particular, this campaign/party wants him removed from the ballot in
    NY State because they claim his residency status is not valid???

    HINT - it is the same campaign/party that says they are "fighting to save Democracy!"

    That's incredibly evil! By the end of this year, the word Democracy will have become an outdated word. (It will be a crapulous, grumpish, pismire of a twattle.)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)