• Re: Women: Enough with th

    From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to IB JOE on Sun Aug 18 09:35:00 2024
    I have some mixed feelings on tis...

    I am pro life, not hard line, none the less pro life. My FEELINGS are this...
    Like when Roe was first in the system they said LEGAL, RARE & SAFE... it becam
    Not Rare and late-term... up to and including the day of birth... for any reason.

    I believe if you were to have an abortion that it should be done when the fetus, AKA Baby, resembles a clump of cells. Even most liberal European countries have limits, like the first trimester... Instead we have the left's idea where you can end a pregnancy up to and including the day of delivery... for any reason.

    I agree it should be rare and early. Many/most states where abortion is no longer legal had restrictions on when an abortion could happen.

    "Day of delivery" is questionable. Once they are in labor, they are in
    labor and the baby is going to be delivered. No states allow infanticide.

    BTW, I actually saw the interview with the old Governor of Virginia, not the current one, where he talked about aborting babies who are already born...

    They were not talking about viable births. The discussion at that point
    would be do we let the non-viable born baby die naturally, or extend its
    life with pallative care until the parents are ready to pull the plug.

    Just like with any other dying person.

    People who are pro life should not be on the hook for killing babies... There are several left-wing groups who'd be willing to pay.

    I agree here. Tax money should not go to providing abortions.

    The overturning of Roe didn't make it illegal to have an abortion... like the 10th Amendment says...

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to
    the people.

    The current state of affairs is more in line with the Constitution where the States and the People will vote on their views on the matter.

    I agree. It is no longer a national matter but a matter in each state.
    That said, I can see which party it is that tries to push their morals so
    hard on everyone else that they've not only made abortion completely
    illegal, they got in a hurry, screwed up, and made things like IVF and "if
    the mother's health is at risk" also illegal (HINT: They were not

    I an also see which party, in my state, was running a candidate who wanted
    to track the movements of women of child bearing age to make sure they
    didn't travel to states where abortion is still legal (HINT: he was not a Democrat and he lost).

    If something is against your religion and morals, don't do it.

    If something is against your religion and morals, and you don't want anyone
    to do it, then you had better be willing to adopt a lot of kids or have your tax money going to support them. You cannot have both. For those who think they can have both, then it is not about their religion, morals, or "the children" but their own meanness.

    * SLMR 2.1a * How do you know if you run out of invisible ink?
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  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Mike Powell on Sun Aug 18 14:04:56 2024
    On 18 Aug 2024, Mike Powell said the following...

    I agree it should be rare and early. Many/most states where abortion is no longer legal had restrictions on when an abortion could happen.

    "Day of delivery" is questionable. Once they are in labor, they are in labor and the baby is going to be delivered. No states allow

    Abortion is legal in all 50 states. What is different now is there are states that won't do it after so many weeks ...a few are even looking at heart beat rule. If you really want to kill your baby you have options

    There was a time California was offering taxpayer funded flights for anyone who wanted an abortion... Sometimes the distance between states is a short drive... Maybe you live in Indiana and you had to drive to Illinois because of law variations... You still get the abortion...

    Women have all kinds of support. Women can have sex with as many partners as they want. Shaming women for open sexuality is a thing of the past... for the most part.

    They have access to all kinds of contraception, all kinds.

    If they want an abortion they have access... No matter where you are you can get one.... Some states you'll have to act early where as some you get get them up to 15 months, no questions.

    If you go ahead with the baby. The baby daddy will be on the hook to pay for the next 25 years...

    Women now have no fault divorce... Some poor bastard falls in love with the wrong women and she takes the kids and house and he looses everything and has to work like a bastard to keep everything a float... sleeping on a mattress on the floor while she's banging a new friend in the house he still paying for.

    And all I think... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... If you want an abortion do it in the first trimester... if you need on after that point there needs to be a reason.

    Abortion is back in the news today...


    Planned Parenthood Reaches a New Low: Bus Traveling to DNC Will Offer Free Abortions and Vasectomies at DNC in Chicago

    Yes that's right... They are offering free abortions and vasectomies at the DNC.

    They were not talking about viable births. The discussion at that point would be do we let the non-viable born baby die naturally, or extend its life with pallative care until the parents are ready to pull the plug.

    Just like with any other dying person.

    Problem is I heard it myself. A Dr should through everything he knows into saving lives. I understand old people may have "Do Not Resuscitate" orders on their records... I understand that.

    You don't take a new born baby make it comfortable while you talk to mom about killing it.

    I agree. It is no longer a national matter but a matter in each state. That said, I can see which party it is that tries to push their morals so hard on everyone else that they've not only made abortion completely illegal, they got in a hurry, screwed up, and made things like IVF and
    "if the mother's health is at risk" also illegal (HINT: They were not Democrats).

    I an also see which party, in my state, was running a candidate who
    wanted to track the movements of women of child bearing age to make sure they didn't travel to states where abortion is still legal (HINT: he
    was not a Democrat and he lost).

    If something is against your religion and morals, don't do it.

    If something is against your religion and morals, and you don't want anyone to do it, then you had better be willing to adopt a lot of kids
    or have your tax money going to support them. You cannot have both.
    For those who think they can have both, then it is not about their religion, morals, or "the children" but their own meanness.

    The US is the only country that guarantees individual rights... I know of no other that has the setup like the US has.

    I understand fully that there is a women who is the "Host" of the pregnancy and there are somethings to consider. But at some point someone has to ask themselves where does life begin... and when asking that question one should ask when does that life get afforded their constitutional rights.

    These are honest questions.

    I recall a few years back that some state wanted to charge someone for double homicide because they killed a pregnant woman. The left fought this tooth and nail because they didn't want the president of calling an unborn fetus a "person" in the criminal courts because in doing so might backfire on the abortion industry.

    There is a statistic that is always misquoted... ~ 70% of Americans support abortions... That number is true when you have them early... Once you go stupid and try to have them latter... like at or on the day of birth that number drops dramatically... Maybe only Hillary Clinton and a few of her aides.

    I wished it was like years ago... Safe, rare and legal... BTW, I heard an old video of Hillary saying that as they were talking about the abortion truck going to the DNC.

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

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