• OpenXP 5.0.58 for Windows & Linux released

    From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to All on Mon Dec 25 08:08:00 2023

    From: Gunter <gunter.sandner@googlemail.com>
    Subject: Re: OpenXP 5.0
    Date: Fr 22.12.23, 16:13


    A new version 5.0.58 for Windows and Linux is online, now before Christmas:



    It contains minor changes and bug fixes: ------------------------------------------------------------

    - Fixed: Mail server reports "Multiple Cc headers not allowed"
    when sending a RFC-Mail to multiple recipients
    [Deutsch: Mail an Verteilerliste senden funktionierte nicht]

    - Fixed: Editing a "Carbon Copy List" did not work quite well
    [Deutsch: Verteilerliste ändern funktionierte nicht richtig]

    - Fixed: BossNode packet password was revealed in Fido crash mails

    - Added support for mail addresses exceeding the 80 characters
    database limit, at least in replies

    - Message viewer: reduced delay on popup message "Copied: ..."
    from 2 to 1 seconds when copying an URL to the clipboard

    - Added the exclamation mark to the list of valid URL characters

    - Fixed a minor display problem showing the file names
    of attachments in an unsent message


    Due to lack of time, the change of dependency is still unresolved from ncurses-5 to ncurses-6 in the Linux version.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: The ONLY point that matters! --> . <-- (2:221/1.58)


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