• with the bossnode I/P address

    From ALAN@1:135/392 to MARTIN FOSTER on Mon Sep 5 18:41:28 2022
    It just flashes off when I poll.

    2022-09-05 19:33:58 debug: debug level for DEBUG is 4
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 debug: debug level for OPENXP is 4
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 openxp: OpenXP 5.0.56 (Linux)
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 debug: debug level for DEFAULT is 4
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 debug: debug level for XPCURSES is 4
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 xpcurses: StartCurses: Starting up Curses.
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 xpcurses: NCurses version 5.0.p19991023
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 xpcurses: MaxCols=80, MaxRows=24, MaxColors=256,
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 xpcurses: Esc Delay=1000, Baudrate=38400, Has
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 xpcurses: longname: <xterm with 256 colors>
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 xpcurses: MouseMask=0F7DF7DF
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 debug: debug level for RESOURCE is 4
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 resource: resource missing: 10.42
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 debug: debug level for MAUS2 is 4
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 xpcurses: SysSetScreenSize(Lines=24,Cols=80)
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 debug: debug level for XP2 is 4
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 XP2: Check default system
    2022-09-05 19:33:58 XP2: Default system: 1:229/426, file: 02290426
    2022-09-05 19:33:59 debug: debug level for INOUT is 4
    2022-09-05 19:33:59 debug: debug level for XPNETCALL is 4
    2022-09-05 19:34:08 debug: debug level for MOUSE is 4
    2022-09-05 19:36:18 debug: debug level for XP2C is 4
    2022-09-05 19:36:18 xp2c: testexecutable for: <>
    2022-09-05 19:36:18 xp2c: testexecutable for: <unzip $DOWNFILE>
    2022-09-05 19:36:22 xp2c: testexecutable for: <>
    2022-09-05 19:36:22 xp2c: testexecutable for: <unzip $DOWNFILE>
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpnetcall: function Netcall, BoxName:<1:229/426>, PerformDial: True, DialOnlyOnce: False, FidoCrash: False
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpnetcall: got net type: Fido
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpnetcall: got server file name: 02290426
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpnetcall: testing buffers
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpnetcall: testing utilities
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpnetcall: saving screen
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpnetcall: calling appropriate mailer
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpnetcall: netcall: fido
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 debug: debug level for XPNCFIDO is 4
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpncfido: fido netcall starting: 1:229/426
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpncfido: Processing sendaka 1:229/426
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpncfido: server file name is 02290426, boxname
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpncfido: AKAs: 1:229/426.36@fidonet
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpncfido: Converted files:
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpncfido: Outgoing files:
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 debug: debug level for NETCALL is 4
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 netcall: Output mcVerbose: Opening comm channel
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 debug: debug level for OBJCOM is 4
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 ObjCOM: Pbbs.darkrealms.ca:24554 S57600 8N1
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 debug: debug level for NCMODEM is 4
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 ncmodem: Log: = CONNECT
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 netcall: Output mcVerbose: Authenticating...
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 debug: debug level for FATAL is 4
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: EAccessViolation: Access violation
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $000000000061C20E
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $00000000009578FF
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $0000000000957792
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $0000000000957DF5
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $000000000095AE21
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $00000000009429CC
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $00000000006F3BB9
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $00000000006F71AE
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $00000000006A1A93
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $0000000000687FC5
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $00000000006A3885
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $00000000005E2B8C
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 fatal: $00000000005BDE5E
    2022-09-05 19:36:27 xpcurses: EndXPCurses: Curses is going down.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Martin Foster@2:310/31.3 to ALAN on Tue Sep 6 13:45:00 2022
    Hello Alan!

    *** Monday 05.09.22 at 18:41, Alan wrote to MARTIN FOSTER:

    It just flashes off when I poll.

    Thanks for posting your logfiles but I don't see anything in there which gives a clue as to what the problem may be. Can you please do the same
    test but this time, start 'openxp' with the '/dl:default=5' commandline switch, which turns on the maximum logging level.

    I'm wondering if this problem has anything to do with your Ubuntu firewall settings. If you have the firewall enabled, disable it and see if that
    makes any difference.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.56
    * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)


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