From Rick Smith@1:105/81 to All on Sun Feb 26 11:56:38 2023
    Hello All!

    Not sure if something changed in ARCA to break vmodem, but it just wont start now. NO errors, just when I type vmodem nothing happens and it returns to prompt?



    ... To go where no man has gone before... BBSing!
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: Awesome Net- Oregon FTN Hub - www.awesomenet.us (1:105/81)
  • From Kevin Nunn@1:19/50 to Rick Smith on Mon Feb 27 08:08:14 2023
    RICK SMITH wrote to ALL <=-

    Not sure if something changed in ARCA to break vmodem, but it just wont start now. NO errors, just when I type vmodem nothing happens and it returns to prompt?

    That is weird, I don't start mine manually, it is started from a .cmd
    file that runs at startup using HSTART. But that should not make a
    difference. I have running under ARCA.

    Sorry can't help more than that.


    --- Telegard/2/QWK v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
    * Origin: Razor's Domain/2 BBS (1:19/50)


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