• Re: BBS Bulletin Board System

    From anon@3:770/3 to All on Tue Sep 17 12:29:41 2024
    XPost: alt.bbs, alt.bbs.doors, alt.bbs.first-class
    XPost: alt.privacy.anon-server

    On 13 Sep 2024, Fritz Wuehler <fritz@spamexpire- 202409.rodent.frell.theremailer.net> posted some news:20240913.110327.f57fd83f@remailer.frell.eu.org:


    I could use telnet to login
    to some bulletin board system BBS

    But that is as far as I can go
    I dont know how to use it

    Do you think any tutorial available

    What are the potential uses of BBS

    These system are hosted using Dial Up internet


    BBS systems are cool. Some have lots of well organized subject matter on various things of interest. They can usually post to usenet, fido and
    others. When you first log in, there is typically a brief welcome to
    point towards help and navigation. Read it and you'll get along better.

    They also have links to other BBS systems. There are quite a few still
    running out there. I used to run a GAP BBS (IBM, DEC & CDC fans) myself.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)
  • From Stefan Claas@3:770/3 to anon on Tue Sep 17 11:09:14 2024
    XPost: alt.bbs, alt.bbs.doors, alt.bbs.first-class
    XPost: alt.privacy.anon-server

    anon wrote:
    On 13 Sep 2024, Fritz Wuehler <fritz@spamexpire- 202409.rodent.frell.theremailer.net> posted some news:20240913.110327.f57fd83f@remailer.frell.eu.org:


    I could use telnet to login
    to some bulletin board system BBS

    But that is as far as I can go
    I dont know how to use it

    Do you think any tutorial available

    What are the potential uses of BBS

    These system are hosted using Dial Up internet


    BBS systems are cool. Some have lots of well organized subject matter on various things of interest. They can usually post to usenet, fido and others. When you first log in, there is typically a brief welcome to
    point towards help and navigation. Read it and you'll get along better.

    They also have links to other BBS systems. There are quite a few still running out there. I used to run a GAP BBS (IBM, DEC & CDC fans) myself.

    There is a pretty cool BBS in Gemini space, where your own posts appear
    in user spaces and you can create also your own sub spaces there. It has already plenty of interesting sub spaces.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)


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