• "Highly profitable" Bay Street Video store n Toronto thrives

    From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to All on Sat Jun 18 21:23:00 2022
    "Highly profitable" Bay Street Video store n Toronto thrives
    despite mainstream consumer shift.

    "Located at 1172 Bay Street in Toronto at the base of a 1980s
    luxury condominium tower, customers can walk into a time
    machine to rent or buy their favourite movie for the weekend.
    The location of the video store has been around for 40 years
    and changed ownership in 1993 to Bay Street Video. Now, the
    retailer is known to have the largest DVD collection in

    "We are a very profitable store, we view ourselves as the
    little store that could," says Dwayne Aylward, the Bay Street
    Video store manager. "In this city, you see these types of
    stores closing, and we are thriving. It really confuses people
    when they find out we exist."

    "Bay Street Video has close to 40,000 titles, a number you
    can't find anywhere else.

    "Customers can find newer movies, or you can buy an 80s classic
    - there is something for everyone. Bay Street Video has the
    largest collection in Toronto, and even possibly Canada says
    Aylward. They offer thousands of titles in DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K

    "Video stores are becoming a dying industry and as streaming
    services are on the rise, Bay Street Video is having a harder
    time getting new releases on DVD.

    "The biggest challenge is a lot of newer movies these days are
    only available on streaming service," says Aylward. "People are
    hearing about a movie, and we have to say that movie is only
    available on Apple or Netflix. The hope is a company will get
    the rights to the movie and put it out on DVD, but that is not
    always the case."

    More to the story, with some photos:

    https://retail-insider.com/retail-insider/2022/06/highly- profitable-bay-street-video-store-in-toronto-thrives-despite- mainstream-consumer-shift-interview/


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