• The Book Business: What Everyone Needs to Know

    From August Abolins@2:460/256 to All on Mon Nov 14 20:20:47 2022
    Hi All...

    The Book Business: What Everyone Needs to Know

    ..introduces those outside the industry to the world of book publishing. Covering everything from the beginnings of modern book publishing early in the 20th century to the current concerns over the alleged death of print, digital reading, and the rise of Amazon, Mike Shatzkin and Robert Paris Riger provide a succinct and insightful survey of the industry in an easy-to-read question-and-answer format. The authors, veterans of "trade publishing," or the branch of the business that puts books in our hands through libraries or bookstores, answer questions from the basic to the cutting-edge, providing a guide for curious beginners and outsiders. How does book publishing actually work? What challenges is it facing today? How have social media changed the game of book marketing? What does the life cycle of a book look like in 2019? They focus on how practices are changing at a time of great flux in the industry, as digital creation and delivery are altering the commercial realities of the book business.

    The Book Business: What Everyone Needs to Know | Paperback

    Author: Mike Shatzkin | Robert Paris Riger
    Pub: Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press

    Published Feb 12, 2019

    /|ug (https://t.me/aabolins)

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    * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256)
  • From Dr Sharon Aitken@2:460/256 to August Abolins on Mon Nov 14 21:41:54 2022
    The Book Business: What Everyone Needs to Know
    ..introduces those outside the industry to the world of book publishing. Covering everything from the beginnings of modern book publishing early in the 20th century to the current concerns over the alleged death of print, digital reading, and the rise of Amazon, Mike Shatzkin and Robert Paris Riger provide a succinct and insightful survey of the industry in an easy-to-read question-and-answer format. The authors, veterans of "trade publishing," or the branch of the business that puts books in our hands through libraries or bookstores, answer questions from the basic to the cutting-edge, providing a guide for curious beginners and outsiders. How does book publishing actually work? What challenges is it facing today? How have social media changed the game of book marketing? What does the life cycle of a book look like in 2019? They focus on how practices are changing at a time of great flux in the industry, as digital creation and delivery are altering the commercial realities of the book business.
    The Book Business: What Everyone Needs to Know | Paperback
    Author: Mike Shatzkin | Robert Paris Riger
    Pub: Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press
    Published Feb 12, 2019

    This looks really good for someone who wants to write a book for the first time.

    --- tg BBS v0.7.1
    * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256)