• format=flowed

    From Carlos Navarro@2:341/234.1 to Nicholas Boel on Sun Apr 28 13:30:19 2024
    23 Apr 2024 19:29, you wrote to me:

    * Note no "format=flowed" on there. This seems to be the same
    results found in Tommi's Wendzelnntp or whatever it was.

    As expected. SBBS's NNTP server does not use format=flowed.

    So does that mean the NNTP server Tommi is using also does not use

    I've also been looking through as many FAQs as I can find on inn (InterNetNews) which is/was/might+still+be a very popular news server,
    and don't see much of anything mentioned about format=flowed at all.

    As far as I understand, standard NNTP servers do not generate the Content-type header (where "format=flowed" is specified), but it's stored in the messages themselves. If a client posted a message with f=f, that message will have it when received by any newsreader.

    Smapi/JamNNTPd and Synchronet insert the Content-type header when exporting from their JAM/SMB/... messagebase and sending to the client. The former adds the f=f part there.

    Seems to me f=f is/was more of an email thing.

    Mainly, I suppose, but it's used by TB and Seamonkey for both mail and news.


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: cyberiada (2:341/234.1)


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