• EleMAIL and IREX...

    From Martin Kazmaier@1:340/1101 to All on Wed Jul 6 17:42:00 2022
    'm trying to post from elemail to irex's smtp server. I've
    tried older vrsions of elemail, but only IREX Win/32 2.31.
    I could back out to 2.29 if I can use the same configs.
    I'm pretty sure the irex email server works as I can use
    an email validation script using blat.exe which works great.

    ELEMAIL; EleBBS POP3-mail retrieval utility, Version 20130208
    Copyright 1997-2003 Maarten Bekers, All rights reserved.

     % Active options:
    - Scanning messagebase for new mail
    - Posting articles to mail server
    - Collecting messages from shsbbs.ddns.net
    - Tossing messages into messagebase

     % Scanning message area for new articles (3)
     % Connecting to shsbbs.ddns.net, success!
     % Collecting mail for 'shsbbs' (0 messages)
     % Closing connection to shsbbs.ddns.net
     % Connecting to shsbbs.ddns.net, success!
     % Posting articles to your mailserver
    Failed to send article #1 (code: 0)
    (0 messages processed)
     % Purging outbound articlesfile
    (1 messages left in outbound)
     % Closing connection to shsbbs.ddns.net
     % Tossing articles into message base
    (no articles to process)
     % Done

    Elebbs.log shows:
    06-Jul 17:23:23 EL01 EleMAIL; POP3/SMTP mail utility fired up
    06-Jul 17:23:43 EL01 Posting articles to your mailserver
    ! 06-Jul 17:23:44 EL01 Failed to send (SMTP) message #1 ("")
    06-Jul 17:23:44 EL01 Posting completed (0 articles processed)
    06-Jul 17:23:44 EL01 Purging outbound articlesfile
    06-Jul 17:23:44 EL01 Purging completed (1 articles left)
    06-Jul 17:23:44 EL01 Tossing articles into message base
    06-Jul 17:23:44 EL01 Tossing completed, no articles processed

    REX's pop3 log shows:
    * 17:23:28 (164) Incoming connection from on 07/06/22.
    ] 17:23:28 (164) +OK Internet Rex POP3 server ready <1.1657149808@GAI>
    = 17:23:30 (164) USER shsbbs
    ] 17:23:30 (164) +OK Need password.
    = 17:23:30 (164) PASS xxxxxx
    17:23:30 (164) User shsbbs logged in.
    ] 17:23:30 (164) +OK Mailbox locked and loaded.
    = 17:23:32 (164) STAT
    ] 17:23:32 (164) +OK 0 0
    = 17:23:33 (164) QUIT
    ] 17:23:33 (164) +OK Internet Rex POP3 server GAI signing off.

    REX's SMTP log shows:
    ---------- Internet Rex SMTP daemon starting up Wed Jul 6 17:23:07 2022
    * 17:23:38 (548) Inbound connection from at 07/06/22.
    ] 17:23:42 (548) 220 shsbbs.ddns.net Internet Rex ESMTP daemon at your
    # 17:23:44 (548) EHLO shsbbs.ddns.net
    ] 17:23:44 (548) 250- shsbbs.ddns.net Hello shsbbs.ddns.net
    ] 17:23:44 (548) 250-8BITMIME
    ] 17:23:44 (548) 250-AUTH CRAM-MD5 LOGIN
    ] 17:23:44 (548) 250 HELP
    # 17:23:44 (548) QUIT
    * 17:23:44 (548) Session ended.

    The blat.exe log simply shows:
    2022.07.06 00:10:35 (Wed)------------Start of Session-----------------
    Blat v3.2.22 (build : Jul 19 2019 23:25:36)
    32-bit Windows, Full, Unicode
    Sending c:\ele\eletempfile.1 to shurato@shsbbs.ddns.net
    Subject: shsbbs.ddns.net validation code
    Login name is shurato@shsbbs.ddns.net
    2022.07.06 00:10:36 (Wed)-------------End of Session------------------

    Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (telnet, pop3, ftp, nntp)
    (ports 23, 110, 21, 119) shsbbs.ddns.net (shoutcast at 8000)

    *** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
    * Origin: (1:340/1101)


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