• Re: New BBS Disclaimer

    From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Thu Jan 6 01:59:00 2022

    Not if you gave them the garden shears treatment upon conviction. . .

    Or the like the meme where the cat is about to do to his owner, what
    he did to him. <G>

    We all went through that phase. My worst for pop was one summer's day after wortkingin direct hot sun in a someone's garden for 14 houes, I
    had 2 cans of coke from t he lady of the house, to cool off after,
    then cycled home, stopping to bvuy a 26oz bottle, & chugging gthat straight down, like water, then got a big gulp in town (about halfway point) & chugged that as I pedaled the last 3 miles home. Got my
    first ever case of heartburn (wickedly painful, until I burped, not
    just long enough to say the alphabet, but I couyld've recited every
    psalm from beginning to end in the time it took to relieve the

    Ree-ogg-me-nogg!! <G>

    It's as bad as using hackneyed sports cliches. . .

    Yeah, Billy, your grandfather passed on. . ." is how they'd say it. .

    Why not, "Grandpa went long. . .& never came back."?


    Just say "dead" it avoids so many problems! (like Terry Swciavo -- she wasn't in a "Persistent vegetative state"; she was "dead." Just say "dead."

    In the Associated Press Style Book (journalism) it says "just say 'died'".
    It also notes that "the term 'funeral service' is redundant'".

    Best way to contact a dead Italian..... .....use a Luigi Board.

    Something to pasta the time with.

    Q: What do you do with dead chemists? A: You barium.

    Only if they're your enema.

    Roses are dead, Violets are black
    I'm a lousy gardener. (& poet)

    The difference between prose and poetry is that prose doesn't rhyme,
    but poetry does.

    "Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus".
    "Men like cars. Women like..."

    Well, what do you want?? Prose or Poetry?? <G>


    ... He does the work of 3 Men...Moe, Larry, and Curly.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Daryl Stout on Fri Dec 31 11:39:02 2021
    TMI, my friend!
    I'm sure I'm not the only person who deals with that on occasion.
    I take medicine usually for gout, as my latest kidney stone type arte
    uric acid-based. (living too well, thus eating more meat); trying to
    stick to exactly 4oz servings now (weighed out to 120g); seems to be
    helping. . .
    Ever since I gave up carbonated beverages, I haven't had a single stone.

    I cut them out long ago! I only dranbk then wheb I was doing 12-hour shift work, as one rapidly drunk Coke did more to wake me up than the speed with which I could ingest caffeine via coffee.

    I got that message at 2am, your time & again at 10am your time --
    seemed an awful long time to say I'm getting too near 5am?
    There was a system glitch with the time...and there's another one where
    the system won't busy itself out for nightly maintenance at 12 midnight,
    so the doors can be processed. So, I have to manually down the nodes, until maintenance is done.

    "Feces occurs" is a maxim in every field.

    Seems it would've been far cheaper to have a housecall doctor come see
    you instead!
    Very few physicians, nurses, do house calls anymore.

    I've found a housecall doctor or two in every city with an intewrnational airport in the USA. I believe LR has such?

    I called up Weight Watchers, told them there was an emergency and asked
    for them to send someone round! Turns out they+ve got tons of them!
    A balanced diet -- balanced in the belly and in the buttocks. <G>

    The 3 Bs of Feminine Beauty: Boobs, Belly, & Butt (or is that 4?)

    Uh oh... Emergency: you brought me the wrong tool... This is not a
    drill... I repeat, this is not a drill!
    Those are the 5 most feared words of an emergency communications
    operator. That was also what was sent right after the Japanese bombed
    Pearl Harbor just over 80 years ago.

    not a drill is bad, to, when you asked for a fleeping HAMMER!

    Drill Time! (nope; could never have become the hit for MC that "Hammer Time" was. . .)

    Pro Tip: If you have a gashed wound, it is cheaper to go to a comedy
    club than the emergency room. You just pay the cover charge and
    they'll have you in stitches.
    The comedy can bleed you dry...because you peed on yourself.

    I do try to avoid that one. I've slowly built up new muscles tyo control my uyrethras farther up (as I often get a sharp jagged stone shard lodged at the main point of squeezing off the flow, & when I squeeze, AIIIII,. pain like nothing else! & the urethra automatically spasms wide open! So I've had to find & exercise muscles further up the pipe, to control flow in such a situation.

    I wear a stethoscope so that in a medical emergency... I can teach
    people a valuable lesson about assumptions.
    Never assume...besides, "OOPS!!" is NOT a valid response.

    It might well be a COMMON response,but you're never allowed to be awake during surgeries to witness it!

    Police are looking for a man selling marijuana to birds. Eyewitnesses report he left no tern unstoned.

    Nothing spoils a good story
    like the arrival of an eyewitness.

    Neighbours testified they heard 3 gunshots Well, yeah, one for the murder, & 2 more to clear out the obvious eyewitnesses.

    Detective Johnson and detective Smith were investigating a murder that occurred next to a playground. The only witnesses to the murder were four children, a brother age 3 and sister age 4, and a different brother (age 7) and sister (age 8).
    The children all lived in a nearby apartment complex. The younger siblings lived in apartment 8D and the older ones lived in apartment 9D. Detective Johnson advised Detective Smith that she probably shouldnÆt bother question 8DÆs children about what they saw, since theyÆre too young to have a reliable memory. He believed that Smith would have a better chance of getting good information from the older children, since only 9DÆs kids will remember.
    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Fri Dec 31 22:10:00 2021

    I cut them out long ago! I only dranbk then wheb I was doing 12-hour
    shift work, as one rapidly drunk Coke did more to wake me up than the speed with which I could ingest caffeine via coffee.

    Since I cut out the soda and the caffeine, I haven't had kidney stones,
    and my heart rate has stabilized. Those "energy drinks" are worse than caffeine.

    "Feces occurs" is a maxim in every field.

    I said that to a co-worker one day years ago...and she looked at me with
    the deer in the headlights look. When I translated it, she roared with laughter, and said "I'm going to tell my sister!!". The next morning, she
    came in, and I asked her if she had told her sister. Grinning wildly, she
    said "yes", and when I asked "same reaction?", she said "yes". <G>

    She lost her first husband to colon cancer, but remarried too soon after that...I don't the marriage lasted 2 months. I don't know whatever happened
    to her, as she resigned from there long before I did.

    I've found a housecall doctor or two in every city with an
    intewrnational airport in the USA. I believe LR has such?

    Not that I know. I did have a nurse from my HMO come by for a physical
    exam and interview this past September.

    The 3 Bs of Feminine Beauty: Boobs, Belly, & Butt (or is that 4?)

    Beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone. <G>

    not a drill is bad, to, when you asked for a fleeping HAMMER!


    I do try to avoid that one. I've slowly built up new muscles tyo
    control my uyrethras farther up (as I often get a sharp jagged stone shard lodged at the main point of squeezing off the flow, & when I squeeze, AIIIII,. pain like nothing else! & the urethra automatically spasms wide open! So I've had to find & exercise muscles further up
    the pipe, to control flow in such a situation.

    Incontinence on both sides is a bear. Ever since I quit drinking soda
    or carbonated beverages, I haven't had a single stone.

    It might well be a COMMON response,but you're never allowed to be awake during surgeries to witness it!

    Or the guy who wakes up in the morgue, and wonders "If I'm alive, what am
    I doing here?? And, if I'm dead, how come I have to go to the bathroom??".

    Police are looking for a man selling marijuana to birds. Eyewitnesses report he left no tern unstoned.

    Nice spoonerism pun.

    Nothing spoils a good story
    like the arrival of an eyewitness.

    Eyewitnesses were on the scene in minutes.

    Neighbours testified they heard 3 gunshots Well, yeah, one for the
    murder, & 2 more to clear out the obvious eyewitnesses.

    That's about it.


    ... Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance??
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    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Mon Jan 10 09:56:00 2022

    They're not ALL dirty. . .

    Little Johnny complains to mom at home, "Mom, our teacher really
    doesn't know anything. He keeps asking us!".

    Very astute young man. <G>

    "And, Johnny? How did your school report turn out?" asks mother. "Come
    on mom, the most important thing is that I'm healthy!"

    That's something positive.

    Little Johnny walks a cow through the village square. The mayor sees
    him and asks, "Hey Johnny, where are you going with the cow?"

    "I'm taking her to the bulls so she would get pregnant," answers

    The mayor is shocked, "Surely your father had better be doing that?"

    Little Johnny thinks about it for a bit and shakes his head, "Nah, I
    think it's really best left with the bulls."

    Maybe he's having one...he probably worked hard to become de-calfinated.

    Little Johnny, why does your little sister cry?
    "Because I helped her."
    But that is a good thing! What did you help her with?
    "I helped her eat her gummy bears."

    They wanted me to do a good deed, so I let her take my injection.

    "So what have you been doing at school today, Johnny?"
    --"I don't really want to talk about it mom. You'll see it later on the news, anyways."

    Oh, boy!!


    ... Tagline Lotto: Scratch Off For Your Prize: ***************
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    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to All on Fri Feb 4 00:04:51 2022
    ......... as a public service for all harried sysops, is a
    standard disclaimer form, much like the "fine print" at the
    bottom of an automobile commercial:

    This BBS is an "as-is" service. Neither the sysops, the school
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    the BBS does any of the following: Crashes, shuts down with or without
    warning, decides it doesn't like you, smokes profusely, makes that
    "chk-chk" noise like a broken washing machine, shoots sparks, causes a
    total nuclear holocaust, spins around several times and vomits pea soup,
    gives off "Bad Vibes," plays "Daisy" repeatedly, steals your boyfriend/girlfriend, falls in love with and begins humping your floppy
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    Do not operate heavy machinery after using this BBS. This BBS may
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    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)