• Picture this

    From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to All on Sat Dec 31 07:42:10 2022
    Reader's Digest Joke of the Day

    Mr. and Mrs. Shaw were on safari in Africa, walking through the jungle. Suddenly a huge lion sprang out of the bushes and seized Mrs. Shaw, dragging her off.
    "Shoot!" she screamed to her husband. "Shoot!"
    "I can't!" he shouted back. "I've run out of film!"
    --1,000 More Jokes for Kids
    RD Issue: February 1990

    (C) 2022 Trusted Media Brands, Inc. - All rights reserved https://www.rd.com/funny/jokes

    --- Binbrook, ON: Clear +7C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms | tg.nrbbs.net | 289-424-5180 (1:229/664)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to Jay Harris on Sun Jan 1 03:36:00 2023
    Reader's Digest Joke of the Day

    Mr. and Mrs. Shaw were on safari in Africa, walking through the jungle. Suddenly a huge lion sprang out of the bushes and seized Mrs. Shaw, dragging her off.
    "Shoot!" she screamed to her husband. "Shoot!"
    "I can't!" he shouted back. "I've run out of film!"

    ROFLMAO!! Somebody buy him a digital camera!! <BG>


    ... He was promoted beyond his level of incompetence.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Daryl Stout on Wed Jan 18 08:15:08 2023
    Reader's Digest Joke of the Day
    Mr. and Mrs. Shaw were on safari in Africa, walking through the jungle.
    Suddenly a huge lion sprang out of the bushes and seized Mrs. Shaw,
    dragging her off.
    "Shoot!" she screamed to her husband. "Shoot!"
    "I can't!" he shouted back. "I've run out of film!"
    ROFLMAO!! Somebody buy him a digital camera!! <BG>

    But then he'd be out of battery juice!

    This is why I call my external battery packs "apple juice boxes" as they juice up my iPhone.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)


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