• Filegate Contributors

    From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to All on Tue Jan 4 22:27:03 2022
    Hello All!

    AS many of you might know Janis Kracht has shut down here servers so five of
    us have taken over as Star systems with three in North America, me in Europe and one is Australiasia namely :

    2:250/1 Europe - (Me) - Vincent Coen
    3:640/66 Australia - Terry Roati
    1:275/100 N.A (Nth America) - Carol Shenkenberger [ Still being set up ] 1:153/7715 N.A. - Dallas Hinton North America
    1:3634/12 N.A. - Mark Lewis

    2:250/1 is acting as master hub / Star for receipt of new files and new areas as well as looking after the file FILEGATE.ZXX and if needed FILEGATE.HDR.

    This location should also be used for notifications of new file groups and areas and any other matters arising for the needs to be able to upload new archived files etc. Including the group or areas being discontinued or being passed over to another or if your node address should be replaced with another.

    Some areas was under the control of Janis for distributing files so we will be looking for volunteers to take these over (See last version of FILEGATE.ZXX, but if you do not have one, drop me a netmail and I will send the current one.

    (The file FDNINFO.ZIP is extremely out of date and may not be updated).

    2:250/1 is linked to the other Star system in that all new files will be passed
    on to them in a matter of seconds that to high speed internet connections between us all.

    File that have the FILE_ID.DIZ or file_id.diz must contain the file details but
    without non character out side the range A - Z, a - z, 0 - 9 period, comma and uplinks contact details etc. The reason for NOT having special symbols is that
    many BBS system do not handle such charcters in a even manner making the description in ALLFILES and similar and within a BBS files areas look a mess and some do not like it at all, so please do not do it. Also describing a file as "abcde.ZIP is a what ever etc" it not correct for some systems as they change the archive for one they prefer to use in-house after testing for Viruses etc.

    Mention if this version replaces a previous one and remember if you are supplying a .tic file to include the keyword REPLACE to remove older versions where ever possible as this help to keep BBS systems as clean as practical.

    If the version is a test release then only replace previous test release.

    Yes I know some of this will not apply to all of you but just trying to cover every thing in one netmail

    When contacting me to yourself up etc, please also supply your email address along with your best contact Fido network address if still operational.

    I appreciate that not every one wishes to do the hatching of files so contact me with the details and I will take this on for you if needed.

    Vincent (Coen)

    UK Star (Filegate) 2:250/1
    --- Mageia Linux v8 X64/Mbse v1.0.7.22/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)


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