Found at : GURU
SysOp : Milos Bajer
Location : Prague, Czech Republic
Telephone : +420-233341039
Max Speed : 64000
Flags : XX,ISDN,V90,V34,VFC,V32T,H16
Address : 2:423/81
Web :
Telnet :
CM05LNX.ZIP 267,055 CrashMailII is a JAM/MSG Mail tosser for
Linux with src
CM5WIN32.ZIP 259,275 CrashMailII is a JAM/MSG Mail tosser for
Win9x/NT with src
FSTLNK11.ZIP 320,490 ÖÄÄÄÄ FastLink v1.1 (release) ÄÄÄÄ·
ÇÄÄ JAM/Msg-messagebase linker ÄĽ
ÇÄ High performance
ÇÄ Kludge/Subj/Mixed linking
ÇÄ RFC-kludges support
ÇÄ FastEcho 1.45+ GEcho 1.02+
º IMail 1.85 FMail 1.40
º WaterGate 0.93 Areas.BBS
º Altair 1.21 CrashMail II
º FidoConfig (HPT)
ÓÄ DOS, DPMI16, DPMI32, OS/2, Win32
846,820 bytes in 3 file(s)
Total of 846,820 in 3 file(s)
FREQ FILES for an allfiles listing.
* Origin: Windows Error:001 - Windows loaded. System in danger. (2:423/81)