Hello Nil!
On 05 Mar 2024, Nil Alexandrov said the following...
What is your @CHRS, Mr.Bj”rn to display your name correctly?
I believe it should be "CP437 2", however Mystic currently does not set this. Still hoping it will in a future release, as it can detect (or ask) the user about this at the beginning of the call, and hence it should be possible for its message editor to set this upon saving the message.
If there was a "hook" to intercept the entered message (including kludges), this would be probably possible to solve using some scripting and "reasonable" character set auto-detection (and/or conversion), too, but I don't know of any such possibilities, and I don't think there is support for an external editor at present.
Best regards
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
* Origin: Star Collision BBS, Uppsala, Sweden (2:201/137)