• ping as crash reply

    From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to All on Fri Nov 15 06:19:50 2024

    Hello everybody!

    tried to change the ping script with another option to send a reply by crashmail but ..

    my $err = putMsgInArea($area,$myname,$fromname,$myaddr,$fromaddr,"$pngsub: ".$subject,"","Uns Cra Dir Imm Loc Pvt K/s",$msgtext,3);

    this seems not to work and the message-reply is still routed, what did I do wrong? I thought that
    Cra Dir or Imm the mesage would send directly ..


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Jay Harris on Fri Nov 15 15:49:26 2024

    Hello Jay!

    15 Nov 24 09:38, you wrote to me:

    Adding a "FLAGS DIR IMM" kludge *seems* to work for me here, but I'm
    only testing with a point, so more testing would be required:


    # Prepend kludge lines
    $msgtext = "\x01MSGID: $myaddr $mid\r\x01TZUTC: $tz\r\x01FLAGS DIR IMM\r".$msgtext;

    Ah kewl that is a different approach I did not think of (yet)

    However .. the issue I have here when I succeed and I found that just out is: when a point is being mailed by me and I accidently add an Cra or Imm / Dir flag .. it stays in my outbound
    and it is not send crash delivered to their boss ..

    Is there a setting for?

    of course I understand that when a point is available with IBN in the pointlist, that I can deliver directly, but I cannot
    remember what i did 24 years ago for sending mail to points to other systems. My own point is working.
    I wonder if HPT has a setting where by default such mail is directly sent to their boss rather than routed..

    If not .. no issue, but than I have to keep reminding myself never to touch the Cra, Imm or Dir options in GoldED for points ;)

    In the meantime I will check if I can embed this in my alternative script. ;)


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Jay Harris on Sat Nov 16 11:43:42 2024

    Hello Jay!

    15 Nov 24 12:08, you wrote to me:

    Just added the features you described.

    Now ping.pl supports PING/TRACE with routed mail reply
    but when send to PINGC as a node you will receive a direct/imm reply back, however if you do this as a point than it is HUB delivered and/or routed ..

    People can test to my system. I am open for business <grin>

    Thanks Jay!


    You could do something like:

    # If $fromaddr is not a point
    if ( $fromaddr !~ /\./ || $fromaddr =~ /\.0$/ ) {
    $direct = "\x01FLAGS DIR IMM\r";

    # Prepend kludge lines
    $msgtext = "\x01MSGID: $myaddr $mid\r\x01TZUTC:

    This should only add the FLAGS kludge if you get a message from node
    (e.g. 1:229/664 or 1:229/664.0). If it's a point address the kludge
    is not added and should be sent routed.

    You could also try adding:

    else {
    $direct = "\x01FLAGS HUB\r";

    To the bottom of the above if statement and the message *should* be
    routed through the host or hub. I've never tried/used this flag so
    I'm not sure how well (or if) it works.


    Host- or Hub-route message (as appropriate).

    Message must be sent directly to its destination and may not be

    NOW!-priority mail. Send at first opportunity, override any
    transmission restrictions enforced by events, costs, or qualification.


    ... I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to Dennis Slagers on Fri Nov 15 09:38:26 2024
    On 15 Nov 2024, Dennis Slagers said the following...

    my $err = putMsgInArea($area,$myname,$fromname,$myaddr,$fromaddr,"$pngsub: ".$subject,"","Uns Cra Dir Imm Loc Pvt K/s",$msgtext,3);

    Adding a "FLAGS DIR IMM" kludge *seems* to work for me here, but I'm only testing with a point, so more testing would be required:


    # Prepend kludge lines
    $msgtext = "\x01MSGID: $myaddr $mid\r\x01TZUTC: $tz\r\x01FLAGS DIR IMM\r".$msgtext;

    If I check the message in golded before it's pack the attributes are:
    Uns Imm Dir Pvt Loc

    From hpt.log:

    7 07:59:05 Msg packed with flavour 'hold': 1:229/664 -> 1:229/664.1

    7 08:85:42 Msg packed with flavour 'immediate': 1:229/664 -> 1:229/664.1


    ... Canada is eh okay

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to Dennis Slagers on Fri Nov 15 12:08:26 2024
    On 15 Nov 2024, Dennis Slagers said the following...

    However .. the issue I have here when I succeed and I found that just
    out is: when a point is being mailed by me and I accidently add an Cra
    or Imm / Dir flag .. it stays in my outbound
    and it is not send crash delivered to their boss ..

    Is there a setting for?

    You could do something like:

    # If $fromaddr is not a point
    if ( $fromaddr !~ /\./ || $fromaddr =~ /\.0$/ ) {
    $direct = "\x01FLAGS DIR IMM\r";

    # Prepend kludge lines
    $msgtext = "\x01MSGID: $myaddr $mid\r\x01TZUTC: $tz\r".$direct.$msgtext;

    This should only add the FLAGS kludge if you get a message from node (e.g. 1:229/664 or 1:229/664.0). If it's a point address the kludge is not added and should be sent routed.

    You could also try adding:

    else {
    $direct = "\x01FLAGS HUB\r";

    To the bottom of the above if statement and the message *should* be routed through the host or hub. I've never tried/used this flag so I'm not sure how well (or if) it works.


    Host- or Hub-route message (as appropriate).

    Message must be sent directly to its destination and may not be routed.

    NOW!-priority mail. Send at first opportunity, override any transmission restrictions enforced by events, costs, or qualification.


    ... I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)


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