• About Janis Kracht

    From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to All on Thu Oct 10 17:41:46 2024

    Janis has just informed me that she has been admitted to the Guthrie Medical Center and has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

    She told me, verbatim, that she's too much of a bitch to give up. She asked me to tell everyone that she's going to put up a fight like hell ... Being the bitch as some claim her to be, her chances at recovery are excellent.

    She has no access to a Fido-machine but she assured me that when she's better and can access her machine she will inform everybody in more detail.

    Please no thoughts and prayers, I don't think that is Janis' thing.

    When I learn more, I'll post it.

    Take care,


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Dallas Hinton@1:153/7715 to Ward Dossche on Thu Oct 10 11:05:31 2024
    Hi, Ward -- on Oct 10 2024 at 17:41, you wrote:

    Janis has just informed me that she has been admitted to the Guthrie Medical Center and has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

    Thanks for the update, Ward. If you talk to her, please give her my best wishes. We'll be thinking of her.

    Cheers... Dallas

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver, CANADA (1:153/7715)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Fri Oct 11 20:56:34 2024
    Hello Ward,

    Janis has just informed me that she has been admitted to the Guthrie Medical
    Center and has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

    Tell her to get well soon because headstones are expensive!

    She told me, verbatim, that she's too much of a bitch to give up.

    It remains to be seen if it's an open casket.

    She asked me to tell everyone that she's going to put up a fight like hell ..

    She always was known for her killer puns ...

    Being the bitch as some claim her to be, her chances at recovery are excellent.

    Auctioning a corpse? That's morbid!

    She has no access to a Fido-machine but she assured me that when she's better and can access her machine she will inform everybody in more detail.

    There are other ways. Want to contact the spirit of a dead Italian?
    Use a Luigi board.

    Please no thoughts and prayers, I don't think that is Janis' thing.

    She's right. "I'm sorry" and "I apologize" mean the same thing.
    Except at a funeral.

    When I learn more, I'll post it.

    Thank you, Ward. Getting to see the other side takes spirit.

    For Life,

    Biden 2024 - Finisth The Job

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to All on Tue Oct 22 17:05:25 2024

    I have just received the disturbing news that Janis Kracht, former Z1C, has passed away yesterday evening after an all too fast fight with pancreatic cancer.

    We all knew what the odds were.

    Janis had good hopes of battling the disease, she described it to me as that she owed to everyone, being the bitch that she was (her words), to give it a shot. Alas, science can do a lot, but still not everything.

    I will write a suiting message for next week's snooze ...

    To all who have links with Janis' system ... you need to reconfigure your systems.

    Take care,


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Barry Davis@1:387/18 to Ward Dossche on Tue Oct 22 11:12:45 2024
    Re: About Janis Kracht
    By: Ward Dossche to All on Tue Oct 22 2024 17:05:25

    I have just received the disturbing news that Janis Kracht, former Z1C, has passed away yesterday evening after an all too fast fight with pancreatic cancer.

    We all knew what the odds were.

    Janis had good hopes of battling the disease, she described it to me as that she owed to everyone, being the bitch that she was (her words), to give it a shot. Alas, science can do a lot, but still not everything.

    I will write a suiting message for next week's snooze ...

    To all who have links with Janis' system ... you need to reconfigure your systems.

    Take care,


    So sad to hear. She def was a staple in FidoNet and will be missed. RIP Janis. --- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
    * Origin: KrAABY Gamer BBS - kraaby.synchro.net (1:387/18)
  • From Greg Nesbitt@1:229/200 to Ward Dossche on Tue Oct 22 13:11:32 2024
    Re: About Janis Kracht
    By: Ward Dossche to All on Tue Oct 22 2024 17:05:25

    I have just received the disturbing news that Janis Kracht, former Z1C, has passed away yesterday evening after an all too fast fight with pancreatic cancer.

    So sad to hear that. Pancreatic cancer is rough.

    She will very much be missed.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com (1:229/200)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Barry Davis on Tue Oct 22 19:23:05 2024
    So sad to hear. She def was a staple in FidoNet and will be missed. RIP Janis.

    Actually I can fill several books describing all the stuff she messed-up ... she was an old-style ZC thinking it is a thing of power, where it actually is a thing of servitude....

    {2 more screens deleted}


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Rudi Timmermans@2:292/140 to Ward Dossche on Tue Oct 22 19:57:33 2024
    Hi Ward,

    @TZUTC: 0200
    I have just received the disturbing news that Janis Kracht, former Z1C, has passed away yesterday evening after an all too fast fight with pancreatic cancer.

    That's indeed bad news to hear !

    Best regards,
    Rudi Timmermans.
    --- AfterShock/Android 1.7.5
    * Origin: Light Station (2:292/140)
  • From Nil Alexandrov@1:16/101 to Ward Dossche on Tue Oct 22 15:12:52 2024
    Hello, Ward!

    Tuesday October 22 2024 17:05, from Ward Dossche -> All:

    I have just received the disturbing news that Janis Kracht, former
    Z1C, has passed away yesterday evening after an all too fast fight
    with pancreatic cancer.

    I feel sorry to hear that Janis Kracht passed away after her fight with cancer. We never met in person, but we talked over netmails and phone calls, and I'm really going to miss her.

    She was a major part of the FidoNet community, and anyone who knew her knows she didn't give up easily. She handed off the Z1C role in 2018 due to her health, but in 2022, she rejoined FidoNet by re-establishing her node, showing that same fierce spirit in facing her illness.

    Janis told me she wasn't one to give up, and she fought hard. We've lost someone special, and she'll be missed by a lot of us.

    Best Regards, Nil
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240306
    * Origin: -=NIL BBS=- (1:16/101)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/1 to Ward Dossche on Wed Oct 23 08:02:00 2024
    Ward Dossche wrote to Barry Davis <=-

    Actually I can fill several books describing all the stuff she
    messed-up ... she was an old-style ZC thinking it is a thing of power, where it actually is a thing of servitude....

    There's a time for that. It's not now.

    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/1)
  • From Alex Galiyev@1:129/14 to Ward Dossche on Sun Oct 27 18:03:56 2024
    Hello Ward!

    We all knew what the odds were.

    Sorry to hear. I was about to send her a card.

    Janis was on my side fighting with tyrants from Russia (R50C - Alex Barinov).



    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20150715
    * Origin: "The human race is governed by its imagination" (c) (1:129/14)
  • From Al Kaiser@1:142/926 to Ward Dossche on Tue Oct 29 08:32:38 2024
    Ward Dossche wrote to All Subject: About Janis Kracht

    I have just received the disturbing news that Janis Kracht,
    former Z1C, has passed away yesterday evening after an all too fast
    fight with pancreatic cancer We all knew what the odds were. Janis
    had good hopes of battling the disease, she described it to me as
    that she owed to everyone, being the bitch that she was (her
    words), to give it a shot. Alas, science can do a lot, but still
    not everything I will write a suiting message for next week's
    snooze ... To all who have links with Janis' system ... you need to reconfigure your systems Take care, \%/@rd

    So sorry to hear this. She has been here as long as I can remember and
    I've been around sind the 1200 baud phone modems and BBSs

    Al Kaiser n1api@cox.net <=-

    Stay Healthy 'n Wealthy!

    Al Kaiser - Meriden, CT, 29-Oct-2024 at 8:33.
    Fido : 1:142/926 - Internet : n1api@cox.net

    .!. Life's like a bath, the longer you stay in, the wrinklier you get.
    --- Terminate 5.00/Pro
    * Origin: Life Sucks and then you die! (1:142/926)
  • From Al Kaiser@1:142/926 to Ward Dossche on Tue Oct 29 08:38:22 2024
    Ward Dossche wrote to All Subject: About Janis Kracht

    I have just received the disturbing news that Janis Kracht,
    former Z1C, has passed away yesterday evening after an all too fast
    fight with pancreatic cancer

    Also wonder where she lived? Had several exchanges with her but don't remember ever asking her where she was from.

    Al Kaiser n1api@cox.net <=-

    Write soon Ward!

    Al Kaiser - Meriden, CT, 29-Oct-2024 at 8:38.
    Fido : 1:142/926 - Internet : n1api@cox.net

    .!. Life is a banquet & most suckers are starving!
    --- Terminate 5.00/Pro
    * Origin: Terminate SmartNote: Remembers & recalls everything! (1:142/926)
  • From Nil Alexandrov@1:16/101 to Al Kaiser on Tue Oct 29 12:05:34 2024
    Hello, Al!

    Tuesday October 29 2024 08:38, from Al Kaiser -> Ward Dossche:

    Also wonder where she lived? Had several exchanges with her but
    don't remember ever asking her where she was from.

    A FidoNet SysOp is someone who can use the latest nodelist to identify the locations of other members.

    LOC Slaterville Springs, NY

    BTW, this is the last connection I had.

    + 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] incoming session with
    - 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] ZYZ Janis Kracht
    - 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] LOC Slaterville Springs, NY
    - 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] VER BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6 binkp/1.0
    - 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] NDL XX
    + 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] addr: 1:261/38@fidonet
    + 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] addr: 1:261/100@fidonet
    + 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] addr: 115:1000/0@pascal-net (n/a or busy)
    + 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] addr: 115:1502/0@pascal-net (n/a or busy)
    + 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] addr: 115:1502/1@pascal-net (n/a or busy)
    + 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] addr: 115:1502/101@pascal-net (n/a or busy)
    + 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] addr: 111:111/1000@stnnet (n/a or busy)
    + 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] pwd protected session (MD5)
    + 07 Oct 10:05:00 [7633] sending /home/fido/outbound/012b9400.sa0 as 012b9400.sa0 (76891)
    + 07 Oct 10:05:01 [7633] sent: /home/fido/outbound/012b9400.sa0 (76891, 76891.00 CPS, 1:261/38@fidonet)
    - 07 Oct 10:05:01 [7633] receiving ab712c82.mo1 (65472 byte(s), off 0)
    + 07 Oct 10:05:03 [7633] ab712c82.mo1 -> /home/fido/protinb/ab712c82.mo1
    07 Oct 10:05:03 [7633] got *.mo?, delayed starting /usr/local/bin/toss
    + 07 Oct 10:05:03 [7633] rcvd: ab712c82.mo1 (65472, 32736.00 CPS, 1:261/38@fidonet)
    + 07 Oct 10:05:03 [7633] done (from 1:261/38@fidonet, OK, S/R: 1/1 (76891/65472 bytes))
    07 Oct 10:05:03 [7633] Running /usr/local/bin/toss
    - 07 Oct 10:05:03 [7633] executing `/usr/local/bin/toss'
    - 07 Oct 10:05:03 [7633] rc=0
    07 Oct 10:05:03 [7633] session closed, quitting...


    Best Regards, Nil
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240306
    * Origin: -=NIL BBS=- (1:16/101)
  • From Nil Alexandrov@1:16/101 to Al Kaiser on Tue Oct 29 12:28:32 2024
    Hello, Al!

    Tuesday October 29 2024 08:32, from Al Kaiser -> Ward Dossche:

    So sorry to hear this. She has been here as long as I can remember
    and I've been around sind the 1200 baud phone modems and BBSs

    She was probably the last one to hold the COOKING echo picnic in her backyard back in the '90s.

    Best Regards, Nil
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240306
    * Origin: -=NIL BBS=- (1:16/101)


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