• Re: Wikipedia

    From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Dan Clough on Sun Aug 25 13:15:25 2024
    Hey Dan,

    That's right! About 3, which includes you.

    4 ... me too.

    Oh. What a surprise. Another Marxist obsessed with USA business, who thinks he knows more about the USA than those who live here.

    Probably I do know more about it than 99% of those who live there.

    About the remaining 1% we can have a discussion, but probably you're not part of that 1%.


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Mon Aug 26 01:39:56 2024
    Ward Dossche -> Dan Clough skrev 2024-08-25 13:15:
    Probably I do know more about it than 99% of those who live there.

    Haven't we heard this reasoning before, but about language understanding?

    "How dare you tell me what it means, it's my native tongue?" to you and Michiel, who both have a much better grip on the English language than almost all Fidonet participants (except, of course, the excellent David Rance).

    I would never claim to know so much about Swedish and Sweden just because I was born and live here. I know perfectly well that we, like every other country, have a lot of ignoramuses.

    In the US, only an average of 3% know how many freedoms and what they are, listed in their sacred 1st amendment.

    In the US, only an average of 35% of citizens by birth would pass the citizen test. 91% of immigrants pass the test the first time, and 7% more the second time (after that, there are no more tries).

    In the US, half of the voters have still, after nine years, not seen that the Orange Emperor has no clothes.

    I rest my case.


    To paraphrase former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura:

    I'm 76 years old now, so the window is closing. I want to be alive to see the first woman President of the United States of America.


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20091121
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:275/100 to Björn Felten on Sun Aug 25 20:26:37 2024
    Re: Wikipedia
    By: Bj”rn Felten to Ward Dossche on Mon Aug 26 2024 01:39 am

    Ward Dossche -> Dan Clough skrev 2024-08-25 13:15:
    Probably I do know more about it than 99% of those who live there.

    Haven't we heard this reasoning before, but about language understanding?

    "How dare you tell me what it means, it's my native tongue?" to you and Michiel, who both have a much better grip on the English language than almos all Fidonet participants (except, of course, the excellent David Rance).

    I would never claim to know so much about Swedish and Sweden just because was born and live here. I know perfectly well that we, like every other country, have a lot of ignoramuses.

    In the US, only an average of 3% know how many freedoms and what they are listed in their sacred 1st amendment.

    In the US, only an average of 35% of citizens by birth would pass the citizen test. 91% of immigrants pass the test the first time, and 7% more th second time (after that, there are no more tries).

    In the US, half of the voters have still, after nine years, not seen that the Orange Emperor has no clothes.

    I rest my case.


    To paraphrase former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura:

    I'm 76 years old now, so the window is closing. I want to be alive to see first woman President of the United States of America.


    Catching up but I like the tagline! Just not the candidate.
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32
    * Origin: Shenk's Express (1:275/100)


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