• The FidoGazette Vol 18 Issue 09 Page 7

    From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to All on Sun Apr 10 22:46:03 2022
    FGAZ 18-09 Page 7 11 Apr 2022


    The FidoGazette BBS List
    Maintained by Sean Dennis (1:18/200)
    Updated 25 March 2022

    Total systems listed: 11

    BBSes are listed in alphabetical order.


    BBS Name: Central Ontario Remote
    Sysop name: Mick Manning
    Fidonet AKA: 1:229/307
    BBS Software: Mystic
    Telnet address/Phone #: centralontarioremote.com:2323
    Website: http://centralontarioremote.com:8080
    Desc: Home of the musician's network, BluesNET.

    BBS Name: Imzadi Box
    Sysop name: Anna Christina Nass
    Fidonet AKA: 2:240/5824
    BBS Software: Synchronet
    Telnet address/Phone #: box.imzadi.de
    Website: http://box.imzadi.de/
    Desc: Small BBS with several games and message networks.
    FTN hub of WeedNet (Zone 420)

    BBS Name: Outpost BBS
    Sysop name: Sean Dennis (digimaus/KS4TD)
    Fidonet AKA: 1:18/200
    BBS Software: MBSE BBS
    Telnet: bbs.outpostbbs.net ports 23 or 10123
    Website: outpostbbs.net
    Desc: The home of Cheepware, The Micronet Information Network, the
    FidoGazette, and the Ham Distribution Network SDS. A MBSE BBS
    Dev Team test system.

    BBS Name: Palantir BBS
    Sysop name: Dan Clough (AKA Gamgee)
    Fidonet AKA: 1:123/115
    BBS Software: Synchronet
    Telnet address: palantirbbs.ddns.net
    Desc: Multiple echomail networks, old-school filebase and
    several CDROMs online. Lots of Doom/Quake/Duke stuff.
    Many local and BBSLink doors. New callers welcome!

    BBS Name: PiBBS
    Sysop name: Shaun Buzza
    Fidonet AKA: McDoob
    BBS Software: Mystic
    Telnet address/Phone #: pibbs.sytes.net:23
    Website: pibbs.sytes.net (not enabled)

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)


Servidor de Quake 3 Arena Online! - Conectate a ferchobbs.ddns.net, puerto 27960 y vence con tu equipo!