• ??

    From Alexander Koryagin@2:221/6 to Ardith Hinton on Fri Jun 24 15:24:56 2022

    Hi, Ardith Hinton! -> Alexander Koryagin
    I read your message from 24.06.2022 00:15

    A pupil must gather all his industry to read it to the
    end. ;-)
    Hmm. I gather you figured out "industry" although
    there are umpteen definitions for this word in the average desk dictionary. I can see from your excerpt that the author could have
    used words like "industrious", "diligence", and "enthusiasm" but chose
    not to. Shorter words aren't necessarily easier to interpret than
    longer ones if they're used in unfamiliar ways. The Victorians often
    used a lot of description & took their time setting the scene.
    Once you get into stories like this, however, there's usually plenty of action.... :-)

    As for "industry" as "diligence" I've learnt it from a fairy-tale "Beauty and the Beast". :)
    -----Beginning of the citation-----
    The good merchant was of quite a different opinion; he knew very well
    that Beauty outshone her sisters, in her person as well as her mind, and admired her humility and industry, but above all her humility and
    patience; for her sisters not only left her all the work of the house to
    do, but insulted her every moment.
    ----- The end of the citation -----

    Bye, Ardith!
    Alexander Koryagin
    english_tutor 2022

    * Origin: nntp://news.fidonet.fi (2:221/6.0)


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