• another interesting dream last night. a double-dream though -

    From Aug@2:460/256 to All on Fri Jan 5 16:46:36 2024
    Hi All...

    another interesting dream last night. a double-dream though - seemingly unrelated. first one.. i was returning to the shop at night for something and found the lock mehanism completely removed from the door. it just swung open freely. nothing seemed to be amiss except that the lights weren't working. i went to the cash register, but that seemed fine.. no money taken. then, i noticed that long open tracks in the wall. story short.. apparently the wiring was all removed. then there was a confrontation of the crooks at the door, and they boasted "whatch gonna do about it?". i was calling the police, but apparently they wouldn't do anything. looked like a beating was pending, but the dream got interrupted - probably the cat, again.


    --- Want fido for iOS/MacOS/Android/Win/Linux? https://shrtco.de/tpJ9yV
    * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256)
  • From Aug@2:460/256 to Aug on Fri Jan 5 16:47:40 2024
    Hi Aug...

    another interesting dream last night. a double-dream though - seemingly unrelated. first one.. i was returning to the shop at night for something and found the lock mehanism completely removed from the door. it just swung open freely. nothing seemed to be amiss except that the lights weren't working. i went to the cash register, but that seemed fine.. no money taken. then, i noticed long open tracks in the wall. story short.. apparently the wiring was all removed. then there was a confrontation of the crooks at the door, and they boasted "watcha gonna do about it?". i was calling the police, but apparently they wouldn't do anything. looked like a beating was pending, but the dream got interrupted - probably the cat, again.

    shit... wrong area. sorry!


    --- Want fido for iOS/MacOS/Android/Win/Linux? https://shrtco.de/tpJ9yV
    * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256)


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