• Golded

    From Rick Smith@1:105/81 to All on Wed Jul 20 17:45:52 2022
    Hello All!

    I have solved the binkd and dbridge and arca os setup... all works as it should I believe... I am now trying to get golded to work as my editor (just a preference) cant seem to find in either docs just how to point golded at dbridge message base... I am familiar with golded been using for decades but I am stumped... Netmail and bad messages area show up but nothing else... anyone using golded care to share config secrets?



    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Awesome Net- Oregon FTN Hub - www.awesomenet.us (1:105/81)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/10 to Rick Smith on Fri Jul 22 07:33:26 2022
    Hello Rick,

    On Wed Jul 20 2022 17:45:52, you wrote to All:

    I have solved the binkd and dbridge and arca os setup... all works as
    it should I believe... I am now trying to get golded to work as my
    editor (just a preference) cant seem to find in either docs just how
    to point golded at dbridge message base... I am familiar with golded
    been using for decades but I am stumped... Netmail and bad messages
    area show up but nothing else... anyone using golded care to share
    config secrets?

    I've never tried it, but in the manuals subdirectory take a look at gold_ref.txt, and more specifically.. the AREAFILE keyword:

    AREAFILE <programname> [path or filename(s)] [-options]

    Here is the listing for D'Bridge:


    Reads the DBRIDGE.AA1/.AA2 files (for version 1.30) or the
    DBRIDGE.ADF of the later versions.

    Looks for the "DBRIDGE" and "DB" environment variables.

    As a matter of fact, while in gold_ref.txt, just do a continuous search for D'Bridge and you can use any of the configurations in conjunction with each other. If that doesn't help, or you don't like the outcome, you may be able to add your areas manually for a more detailed mail area setup using the GOLDAREA.INC file, along with AREADEF, AREALISTSORT, AREASEP and other related keywords; which all can also be found in gold_ref.txt.

    If using an older version of Golded for Arca OS, that reference file may not be in the manuals directory, just grab it from the latest sources on github, along with any other manuals or documentation you may be missing.


    ... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway."
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10)


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