• Pepper was:T.O.H. Daily R

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to Shawn Highfield on Sat Sep 21 05:48:00 2024
    Shawn Highfield wrote to Dave Drum <=-

    I crry a flat(ish) pepper mill in my pocket most times when gong out
    to eat at a real restaurant. And if I forget to bring iot with there
    is a <U$1 round pre-loaded from the spices aisle at the grocery that resides on the console of Bruno the Beemer. Bv)=

    I'm not as fancy. I just have pepper packets in my car and in my Lunchbag. (The lunch bag is really a purse as I need to carry more
    then fits in my pockets)

    The fresh ground stuff has more bite and flavour than the pre-ground
    (who knows how long ago) stuff in the on-table shakers and packets. And
    that's why I make the extra effort. Life is too short to eat tasteless
    food. Bv)=

    If you're carrying a purse does it have a rainbow symbol on it? (VBSEG)

    Man up. Call it a briedcase.

    Like a boy sprout I am always prepared. Bv)=

    I have everything including blocks of wood to carve if bored in my bag.

    I used to have a "possibles" bag sorta like that.

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Beggars' Purses
    Categories: Appetizers, Dairy, Vegetables
    Yield: 6 Servings

    1 1/2 c Milk
    4 lg Eggs
    3 3/4 oz Pastry flour
    3 oz A-P flour
    3/4 oz Cake flour
    pn Salt
    1/2 oz Melted butter

    Chives; blanched
    Sour cream or creme fraiche
    Butter; melted

    COMBINE ALL INGREDIENTS for the crepes, except the
    butter. Whisk well and pass through a fine strainer.
    Let rest 1 hour. Add butter before cooking the crepes.
    Cook the crepes and be careful not to brown them. Lay
    the crepe out on a piece of parchment or a clean towel
    (don't lay out more than 12 at a time or they will dry
    out). Fill with a spoonful of caviar and sour cream.
    Pull the edges of the crepes up to form small purses
    and tie with a chive. Serve warm or at room
    temperature, lightly brushed with butter.

    These crepes can also be rolled or folded in the more
    traditional manner if forming the purses seems like a
    daunting task. The result is beautiful, however, and
    worth the extra effort.

    This elegant recipe comes from Katherine Alford, chief
    instructor at the New York Cooking School. Katherine
    used to be the chef at the Quilted Giraffe in New York.
    These crepes are a signature dish of that restaurant.

    RECIPE FROM: http://www.recipesource.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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