• Mushroom Cornmeal Scones

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Sun Jul 7 13:02:59 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Mushroom Cornmeal Scones
    Categories: Scones
    Yield: 1 Batch

    800 g White or chestnut mushrooms
    Oil; for frying and
    150 ml Milk; cold
    150 ml Double cream
    100 g Natural yoghurt
    100 g Fine corn meal; plus extra
    -to finish
    25 g Caster sugar
    2 md Eggs
    300 g Shropshire or other firm
    -blue cheese
    1 bn Chives or spring onion;
    -finely chopped
    500 g Plain flour
    2 ts Salt
    2 ts Chilli powder
    3 ts Baking powder

    Clean and thickly slice the mushrooms, and fry in batches with a
    little oil until dry and golden. Pour the milk, cream and yoghurt
    into a bowl, stir in the cornmeal and sugar, and beat in the eggs.
    Coarsely crumble the cheese, and add to the egg mix along with the
    chives. Squeeze out and discard any excess moisture from the
    mushrooms, then stir them through the mix. In a small bowl, toss the
    flour, salt, chilli, and baking powder, add to the mix and stir to a
    soft dough. Line a big tray with nonstick paper and heat the oven to
    200°C (180°C fan-assisted)/390°F/gas mark 6. Scoop the dough into
    the centre of the tray, wet your hands and shape it into a round
    that's flat on top. Sprinkle over some corn meal, then, with a blunt
    knife dipped in oil, cut into eight wedges. Bake for 45 minutes,
    until golden, and leave to cool before slicing.

    Recipe FROM: <gemini://gmi.noulin.net/cooking/26.gmi>

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)