• Pork Loin Roasted With Rosemary And Garlic

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Fri May 17 09:28:32 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Pork Loin Roasted With Rosemary And Garlic
    Categories: Italian, Pork
    Yield: 1 Batch

    1 3/4 kg Loin of pork; on the bone
    4 cl Garlic
    4 tb Fresh rosemary; chopped
    1 bn Rosemary sprigs
    300 ml Dry white wine
    Extra virgin olive oil; for
    -rubbing and frying
    Sea salt and freshly ground
    -black pepper

    Ask the butcher to bone the loin, but to give you the bones. Also ask
    him to remove the skin and score it to make the crackling. Turn the
    loin fat side down. Make deep slits all over the meat, especially in
    the thick part.

    Make a paste of the garlic, chopped rosemary, at least 1 ts of salt,
    and pepper (more will give a truly authentic Tuscan flavor) in a food
    processor. Push this paste into all the slits in the meat and spread
    the remainder over the surface of the meat.

    Roll up and tie with fine string, incorporating some long sprigs of
    rosemary along its length. Weigh the meat and calculate the cooking
    time, allowing 25 minutes for every 500 g. At this stage you can wrap
    it and leave it in the refrigerator for several hours to deepen the

    When ready to cook, heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a frying pan, unwrap the
    pork and brown all over. Set in a roasting tin and pour the wine over
    the pork. Tuck in the remaining rosemary sprigs. Place the bones in
    another roasting pan convex side up. Wub the pork skin with a little
    oil and salt. Drape the skin over the pork bones Place the pan of
    crackling on the top shelf of a preheated oven, and the pork on the
    bottom to middle shelf. Roast at 230°C (450°F) for 20 minutes then
    reduce the heat to 200°C (400°F) and roast for the remaining
    calculated time, basting the pork loin every 20 minutes.

    When cooked, rest the pork in a warm place for 15 minutes before
    carving into thick slices. Serve with shards of crunchy crackling and
    the pan juices.


    Use as much rosemary as you can

    Tuscans cook this on the bone and slice into thick 'chops' when

    Recipe by Flavours of Tuscany by Maxine Clark, 2006

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