• Repains [1]

    From Ruth Haffly@1:396/45.28 to Dave Drum on Sun May 19 19:34:41 2024
    Hi Dave,

    of non warranty work is going to be replacing one side--the aluminum
    got creased good by a tree branch in TX.

    OWTCH. It always hurts more when it's self inflicted.

    The repair shop will have some more work to do now. Stopped for gas yesterday in Beckley, WVA at a Sam's Club. To get to the station, had
    to go up a hill, then make a left turn. Steve started turning, camper doesn't swing as wide as the truck so he caught the back end of another pickup truck. From what I understand, relativly light damage to the
    truck but a good scrape along the lower (opposite, go figure) side of

    I did one of those "turn too short" deals with my car last year. I did
    the repair on the guy's pickup with a cloth and some cleaner/polish I
    had in the truck. But it co$t mt 1400 bux down the body shop to put
    the Beemer right.

    We're not sure how much this will cost. Steve did notify our insurance
    compaany but this is the second claim within a year so our rates will
    probably go up. Last time to the TX incident when a claim was made was December, 2016 and don't remember what before that.

    Sound like you're better off without it; I'd hate to think of how much money would have to be sunk into it to make it even basically road

    6 General (my preferred brand) 11R22.5 tires @ U$550/tire
    3 Deep Cycle Marine/RV batteries @ U$250

    Just to get started. That's not a money pit. It's a canyon. Bv)=

    A rather grand one at that.

    Quite so, you might be better off buying a new or a newer used if you
    really want to hhit the road.

    We've been cooking indoors for the most part, not done anything major
    so far, even tho brought stuff to do so. We ate out last night with
    some of the Rally folks at a Penn. Dutch place, buffet had a lot of
    good stuff so I just took little bits of maybe half a dozen things plus about the same on the salad bar. Went to the Smucker's store in the afternoon--lots of nothing we needed so went on to the Coblinz
    chocolate place and spent some money there. (G)

    Buffets can be a good thing or a hazard. With the reduction in
    capacity as I age out it's hard to get my "money's worth" at an AYCE place. If
    I eat too much I'm either miserable or so carb-loaded that all I want
    is a soft spot and a nap. Bv0=

    I try to go easy, with second buffet I asked for a piece of strawberry/rhubarb pie--to go. It was good, but not great.

    I noticed they finally put a "Coming Soon" sign on a major
    construction project - which I though from the design was to be a
    strip mall. Instead the sign proclaims "GRAND BUFFET" and opening
    soon. That sucker is literally a city block long. WOW!

    That is going to be a tough one to keep going. People will initially
    check it out but probably not want to frequent it very often, unless
    they don't cook for themselves. I could see my late brother taking
    advantage of it if he were living, and in that area.

    Still, sometimes on a weeked morning I'll hit the Golden Corral's AYCE breakfast and pig out on bacon and some really good cinnamon rolls -
    of course with hash-brown casserole, eggs, sausage gravy. etc. But,
    then I won't eat anything for the rest of the day .... uuually.

    Our Golden Corral closed, building became a ghost kitchen for several
    take out places.

    Our was closed during the pandemic. But they used to time to remodel
    and fix things up.

    We have one or two in Raleigh but haven't visited them. We liked them
    (and Western Sizzler) before they went to the buffet. Now the latter is,
    AFAIK, closed down completly, latter is dying fast.

    Title: Cinnamon Rolls
    Categories: Breads, Icing, Nuts
    Yield: 12 Rolls

    We got some pastries (was supposed to be just doughnuts) yesterday at
    the end of the rally. Steve brought home a couple of about 12" long, probably close to 6" round creme filled with thick icing (one maple,
    one chocolate) pastries. He also had a couple of probably 8" diameter "snails". I had about 4" of the maple pastry yesteray, about 6" of one section of the snail today, both for breakfast. Others will be consumed over the next couple of days.

    Watch out for sugar shock. Bv)=

    I had just under half of the chocolate one for breakfast today. Been
    trying to push protein at other meals to counteract the carbs.

    This looks really good but it will feed a crowd ....

    Title: Cinnamon Roll Breakfast Casserole
    Categories: Breads, Nuts, Dairy, Eggs
    Yield: 9 servings

    Probably last longer than 9 servings if I made it for Steve and me. I'd probably cut the recipe in half or maybe quarters so we wouldn't be
    eating it for a week. (G)

    Catch you later,
    rchaffly{at}earthlink{dot}net FIDO 1:396/45.28

    ... 90% of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.

    --- PPoint 3.01
    * Origin: Sew! That's My Point (1:396/45.28)