Except the USA captured al the British land in the New World, except for
Canada. . . but that may have been a strategic move on America's part;
1812's Madison notwithstanding.
Very legitimate point!
Thank you; Madison was obviously a one-off -- a bit of a loop, that one!
Funny thing about the war of 1812, we had your land right down to the Gulf Coast!
Then when we all decided to negotiate peace, we gave you the land back, on condition you took our whiny maritime French(the Acadians) with it (now known as Cajuns -- how were we to know they'd learn to cook so well?!)
Look up song, "The War of 1812" by The Arrogant Worms for a laugh. . .
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* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)