• RIP Kevin Mitnick: Former most-wanted hacker dies at 59

    From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to All on Fri Jul 21 15:52:36 2023
    * Originally in COFFEE_KLATSCH
    * Crossposted in CHAT

    Hi All,

    Tributes paid to husband, father, son and rogue-turned-consultant


    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Wilfred van Velzen on Fri Jul 21 20:34:00 2023
    Hello Wilfred!

    ** On Friday 21.07.23 - 15:52, Wilfred van Velzen wrote to All:

    * Originally in COFFEE_KLATSCH
    * Crossposted in CHAT

    [ likewise as above ]

    Hi All,

    Tributes paid to husband, father, son and rogue-turned-consultant


    I didn't realize there was a film about him based on the book
    Takedown. The book was fascinating. However, I seem to
    remember Mitnick claiming that not everything in the film was
    factual, and the book author gives too much credit to himself
    "capturing" Mitnick. The way I remember the story, Mitnick
    allowed himself to be found.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.57
    * Origin: Mobile? COFFEE_KLATSCH = https://tinyurl.com/y56r9f2o (2:221/1.58)


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