• On-topic

    From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to All on Sat Mar 5 11:16:55 2022
    Hello All,

    While I enjoy the traffic in here, please move all of the amateur radio chat over to HAM and let's stick to being on-topic in here, please.

    -- Sean

    ... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)
  • From Ray Quinn@1:214/23 to Sean Dennis on Sat Mar 5 08:30:47 2022

    Hello Sean!

    05 Mar 22 11:16, you wrote to all:

    Hello All,

    While I enjoy the traffic in here, please move all of the amateur
    radio chat over to HAM and let's stick to being on-topic in here,

    I realized that after I sent my post and couldn't figure out how to edit the post to at least add some on-topic content. I did, however, in my followup message (which was sent moments before I downloaded this one...).

    I was just remembering back to when I borrowed a Commodore Plus 4 from a friend just to call local BBSes in the late 1980's. I don't remember much about it, but I believe the plastic case was about the size of my keyboard today and the same color - black.

    My first non-Commodore PC was an 8/12 mHz IBM compatible with about 1 mb RAM. I don't remember whether or not it had a hard drive at first. The first hard drive that wasn't a hand-me-down was a 100 mb that cost about $350.00 circa 1991. It wasn't MFM or RLL, but was IDE.

    If memory serves correctly, I remember changing my HD controller from MFM to RLL and got more storage space, or something to that effect.

    ... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message.

    For some of us, it is such a short trip...


    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Ham Radio operators do it with frequency! (1:214/23)


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