I followed the instructions and your suggestions without any more success
than I'd previously had. I followed Ioram Sette's suggestion and installed Websockify. That worked great and supported the SSL certificate. Now everything except for ftelnet itself is run internally through SSL. I'm sure people will feel a lot more comfortable now, if they care about their BBS traffic being sniffed (which is rather unlikely to happen, or cause anything
to be concerned about if it were to occur).
Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere BBS (Telnet, FTP, NNTP, Shoutcast) shsbbs.ddns.net port 23, 21, 119 and 8000 respectively.
*** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
* Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere
telnet://shsbbs.net (1:340/1101)