• ProBoard BBS to call today?

    From paul lee@1:105/420 to All on Wed Nov 8 20:21:15 2023
    Whats a good ProBoard BBS to call today?? I'm interested in all the PB talk going around - where can I see the 'bleeding edge' in ProBoard 2023?


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (1:105/420)
  • From Zazz@1:124/5014 to paul lee on Thu Nov 9 15:29:28 2023
    Whats a good ProBoard BBS to call today?? I'm interested in all the PB talk going around - where can I see the 'bleeding edge' in ProBoard 2023?


    gapbbs.rdfig.net port 2828
    Prison BBS System
    Alha Site

    Ruben Figueroa aka Zazz
    Mystic Prison Board Sysop
    Web: www.rdfig.net

    ... When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/03/14 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Mystic Prison*Mesquite Tx*pbmystic.rdfig.net:24 (1:124/5014)
  • From paul lee@1:105/420 to Zazz on Thu Nov 9 19:40:43 2023
    Also, for others:

    gapbbs.rdfig.net port 2828
    Prison BBS System
    Alha Site

    Ruben Figueroa aka Zazz
    Mystic Prison Board Sysop
    Web: www.rdfig.net

    SiliconUnderground - ProBoard WHQ siliconu.com:23 Jason Bock Rochester, NY, USA

    Slasher BBS - ProBoard Alpha Tester & Support slasherbbs.com:23 John Riley Carrollton, MS, USA

    ProBoard Prison BBS - ProBoard Alpha Tester gapbbs.rdfig.net:2828 Ruben Figueroa Mesquite, Texas, USA

    Outpost BBS - ProBoard Alpha Tester bbs.outpostbbs.net:10323 Sean DennisJohnson City, TN, USA

    Free Corner - ProBoard Alpha Tester bbs.debonne.eu:23 Olivier Debonne Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Scooby's Doo BBS scoobysdoo.ddns.net:2023 Gary Ailes McMurray, Pennsylvania, USA

    Herbies BBS herbies-bbs.ddns.net:2323 Thorsten Herb Weil am Rhein, German

    All the ProBoard BBSes I could find thanks to the msgs here. :P


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (1:105/420)


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