• art_src?

    From Dallas Hinton@1:153/7715 to Edmund Wong on Wed Nov 17 23:36:19 2021
    Hi, Edmund -- on Nov 17 2021 at 16:19, you wrote:

    Hah...hah...erm..Serious? Well, I sent an email to his last known
    email (as noted in the readme file); but, it bounced. So guess
    that's a moot point.

    Absolutely serious!!! I found him via google and emailed to ask if was him -- this is probably 10 years ago now, mind you!

    Anyway, glad to see you again! LTNS.


    Cheers... Dallas
    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: The BandMaster, Vancouver, CANADA (1:153/7715)
  • From Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to Edmund Wong on Thu Nov 18 20:00:46 2021
    Hello Edmund!

    17 Nov 21 16:19, Edmund Wong wrote to Dallas Hinton:

    I got the source off Alan's ftp site but am realizing it's going to
    be very
    involved in building it for Linux and with my C programming skill
    bad, it'll
    take a long time.

    Somewhere a version that compiles under Linux must be floating around. I have an old copy of it. Compiles even under FreeBSD.


    ... 8:00PM up 119 days, 13:51, 7 users, load averages: 0.54, 0.53, 0.49

    --- Msged/BSD 6.1.2
    * Origin: Things I already know (2:240/12)
  • From Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to Edmund Wong on Thu Nov 18 20:10:04 2021
    * Originally by: Gerrit Kuehn (2:240/12), 18 Nov 21 20:00.

    Hello Edmund!

    18 Nov 21 20:00, Gerrit Kuehn wrote to Edmund Wong:

    Somewhere a version that compiles under Linux must be floating
    around. I have an old copy of it. Compiles even under FreeBSD.

    I think this is the most recent version:


    ... 8:10PM up 119 days, 14:01, 7 users, load averages: 0.47, 0.38, 0.40

    --- Msged/BSD 6.1.2
    * Origin: Ideas of lust and dying (2:240/12)