• AfterShock IOS

    From Rudi Timmermans@2:292/140 to All on Thu Nov 11 12:22:04 2021
    Hi Everyone,

    As Anatoly told me he can not promise that AfterShock for IOS will ever come, i have take some new action, i have post into Reddit IOS Programming a post to find a new dev.

    Here is the link:

    https://www.reddit.com/r/iOSProgramming/comments/qpbjbl/fidonet_afershock_swi ft_app/

    The people that like to see AfterShock on IOS can mabey help me to share the link or like the link so the can see there are more people to have the app on IOS.



    --- DB4 - Oct 25 2021
    * Origin: AfterShock Beta Tester (2:292/140)